Year 8 STEAM students are currently working on their Emergency Housing Showcase as Project Managers and Sustainability Officers, Engineers and Architects. The Showcase will be a culmination of students collaborative efforts to meet the brief:
Students are to research and design their own, accessible, self-sufficient, off-grid emergency house to be used in response to a natural disaster.
Parents are invited attend the Showcase in the College Hall on:
- Thursday 1st August, STEAM 123 Showcase 10:00am 10:50am
- Friday 2nd August, STEAM 456 Showcase 10:00am - 10:50am
Mater Dei Primary School and Sacred Heart Primary School Stage 3 students will also be in attendance as judges on the day.
Formative Assessment
STEAM is a simulation of the “real world”. Students are formatively assessed and receive consistent feedback on their progress and development of their ability to communicate effectively, collaborate with others and problem solve throughout the challenges they are presented with. The focus specifically of this challenge is on students' Communication and Collaboration skills.
Robocup Junior Australia - Spike Prime Challenge
Students from a range of year groups, including the Year 9 iSTEM class, are competing in the Robocup Australia Spike Prime Robotics Challenge. Students are creating a possible futuristic prototype based on this years theme“Moment in Time”.
We wish our four teams the best of luck in this competition!
Team 1 - Wil Atkinson, Ronejan Kassem, Julian Miles, William Wendt
Team 2 - Ryan Pallister, Nate Gorostiaga, Jian Chew
Term 3 - Samuel Thomsen, Xavier Nixon
Team 4 - Lachlan Holgate, Jed Cos and George Chigwidden
Year 7 - University of Technology Sydney - Engineers without Borders
All of our wonderful Year 7 students will be participating in STEM Challenges on the 20th June, facilitated by twenty engineering students from the University of Technology Sydney. Students will be allocated three different sessions throughout the day and will work in teams of three. Parents are asked to complete the notification on Compass in preparation for this event.
Mrs Courtney Freebody | Leader of Learning - Digital Technology and STEM