Student Statements

The Mater Dei Catholic College Student Statements were officially launched during our Assembly, on Tuesday of Week Five. Student Leaders, Emily Pike and Charlie Schneider took the opportunity to explain the development process of the statements to our student community. They emphasised how we plan to engage with them as active participants in our Catholic Learning Community.
Our Leaders of Learning initiated the design process of the Student Statements late last year. They identified early on how fundamental it was to engage the student voice and provide an opportunity for all stakeholders in our community to co-create these statements.
Our current Year 12 student leaders, as representatives of the student body, attended a couple of workshops designed to brainstorm, shape and refine these statements to reflect our learning intentions, aspirations and expectations for ourselves and each other. Collectively, we considered our Vision, Mission and Values as a Catholic Learning Community. We reviewed research, considered contemporary learning capabilities and asked guiding questions to consider who we wanted our Mater Dei Catholic College graduates to be.
Together, with the students and staff we have formulated a series of expectations to guide the student experience at Mater Dei. We are proud of our Catholic Learning Community and these statements speak to the heart of the Mater Dei Way. They represent who we are, what sets us apart from other schools and what makes us the unique and vibrant community of learners we are.
These statements are guided by the values and virtues of our Catholic faith. They are practical and achievable for students and staff to live out and foster each day we come to school. The Student Statements have been placed in each of our learning spaces across the school to ensure they are visible and accessible.
The Student Statements reflect positive behaviours for learning. They adopt, Inclusive language; They are learner-centred; They maintain high expectations for learning and support enabling behaviours; They are imbued with our Catholic faith dimension; Supportive of 21st Century Learning Skills and the building of a continuum of knowledge; and they engage students as learners in their context and reality.
Through year-group sessions, in Homegroup and our classrooms, we plan to continue to grow student understanding and application of these statements throughout the year. While these statements provide clear and consistent expectations for student behaviour, they lead us beyond the classroom and help us to appreciate the skills, personal attributes and capabilities that we will recognise in the leaders of tomorrow. Let’s work together to embed these Student Statements as a reflection of the Mater Dei Way!
Mrs Amelia Bright | Acting Assistant Principal