Student Awards

 self-confidenceStudent of the Week Awards

Mon 20th MayStudent NameFor...

Blaze M


Ethan L

Her amazing work when working on her ‘think board’ for the number 7.

Working cooperatively with his  classmates. Keep it up Ethan.

FMHeidi MIndependently sounding out words. Keep it up, Heidi!
1KSpencer CHis great effort in sounding out his words. Keep it up, Spencer.
1MMeika MTrying her best during learning tasks and being so enthusiastic for maths! Superstar.
2DHarry CShowing kindness to others and including his peers.
2HElla CConsistently showing all of the school values and always doing her personal best and challenging herself. Most importantly, she is always a kind and caring friend.
2/3QGeorgia KAlways putting in her best efforts and doing an outstanding job researching Bendigo for her information report. Well done Georgia!
3GHadi SBeing inclusive towards others and a great friend to all. Keep it up!
4DHarper SHer hard work and self confidence with challenging maths tasks.
4PJacob SPutting in 100% effort into his handwriting! Well done Jacob.
5IIvan  BPresenting an interesting Anzac project to the class. Your Anzac biscuit wrapper was great. 
5/6MXavier RHis fantastic use of vivid vocabulary in his quick write, The Beach. Well done!
6DMason WShowing excellence by focusing on his learning.
6MLachie TShowing excellence in his creative approach to completing his ANZAC project.
ArtVan RHis delightful dirty dinosaur.
MandarinAlexia SHer excellent job in counting numbers 1-20 in Mandarin. 
PALiam CHis fantastic facial expressions and detailed movement of a monster in a drama act. Great work Liam! 
PEJosh SHis first place at District Cross Country! Amazing Josh, well done!