Principals News

Dear Parents,


Schools are bustling hubs of activity where students learn, teachers teach, and all sorts of events and activities occur. From classrooms filled with eager learners to sports fields buzzing with energy, there's always something happening in a school environment. The last few weeks have been no different at St Mary’s with Mother’s Day activities, Year 6 Camp to Canberra, and the commencement of testing so teachers can complete the writing of reports. The last couple of weeks have seen illness spread through the school so we ask parents to keep their child at home if they are unwell. 

We have been overwhelmed with parent feedback regarding the revision of the Homework Policy involving over 90 families, 30 staff members, and all Year 5 and 6 children in the consultation process. We were able to gather diverse perspectives and insights to inform the revision of the Homework Policy that is inclusive, responsive, and reflective of the needs and values of the entire school community. The next steps with the feedback will be to:

  • Revise the Homework Policy based on the feedback gathered from families, staff, and students; taking into account the diverse perspectives and preferences of the school community.
  • Ensure that the revised policy reflects the values, priorities, and goals of the school, while also addressing the concerns and suggestions raised by stakeholders.
  • Communicate the revisions made to the Homework Policy to all stakeholders, including families, staff, and students.
  • Ratify the new policy with the School Advisory Council (SAC).

We would like to have this policy in place for the commencement of Term Three and shared with the community. 


Year 6 Camp

The Year 6 children headed off to camp in Canberra early Monday morning and will return this afternoon. Canberra offers plenty of educational and cultural experiences. Here are some activities that students will  enjoy during their camp:

  1. Parliament House Tour:  Where students can learn about the country's government and history.
  2. National Museum of Australia: exploring the rich and diverse stories of Australia through compelling objects, ideas and events.
  3. Australian War Memorial: Pay homage to Australia's servicemen and women at this iconic memorial.
  4. Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Tour: Take a behind-the-scenes tour of the AIS, where students can learn about sports science, elite athlete training, and even participate in interactive activities.
  5. Questacon: Delve into the world of science through hands-on exhibits, workshops, and demonstrations at this interactive science museum.
  6. Cultural and Historical Landmarks: Explore other landmarks such as the Australian National Botanic Gardens, and the National Gallery of Australia.

These activities provide a mix of educational, cultural, and recreational experiences, making the Year 6 camp to Canberra both enriching and memorable for students. The children will arrive back at school later today. I would like to thank the staff who have accompanied the children on camp as they take time away from their families. The Grade 6 children have had a terrific week with beautiful weather and have been great ambassadors for their school and families. I am sure there will be some tired children when they hop off the bus. 



Student Wellbeing Surveys

Over the past week, all the children in the school have undertaken our Student Wellbeing survey which our Student Wellbeing Leader Daliah McLoughney administered. The survey collects information in the following areas:

  • Teacher-Student Relationships
  • Student-Student Relationships
  • Student- School Relationships
  • Student Safety
  • Bullying 
  • Playground Safety
  • Self-image as learners
  • Perception as learners 

Daliah will now work with the different classroom teachers to develop a wellbeing sprint (learning unit) to work on one aspect of the surveys that we can identify as an opportunity. This may involve a whole class, a small group, or maybe even an individual. 

The surveys overall were extremely positive with the data over the whole school showing:

  • The students have a really strong connection with their teachers
  • Peer relationships are strong
  • Students enjoy being at school
  • Students have indicated they are challenged with their work and mostly enjoy learning
  • Children are listened to when they have a problem
  • Students love the extracurricular classes of Physical Education, Visual Art, Performing Arts and Mandarin.


Daliah will work with the classroom teachers to design their Wellbeing Sprint and we hope that the foci with these sprints will continue to improve the wellbeing, safety and learning of all the students at St Mary’s. 


Congratulations to Lucy Dolan

Congratulations to Lucy Dolan who has been selected in the Victorian Primary Schools Swimming team that will compete in the National Championships on the Gold Coast in July. This is a great achievement for Lucy and is a reward for her dedication to her training with many early morning training sessions each week.   


School Savings Bonus


Following last week's State Budget on 8 May, we are seeking your support to advocate against the unfair $400 School Saving Bonus that is available to all government school students, regardless of income, but only to Health Care Card holders in Catholic schools.


This is a departure from the previous position with programs such as Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund which were means-tested for all students.


We believe the payment should be means-tested for all students or apply to all students.  It should not be based on which school you attend.


We encourage you to copy the template below and email our local MP Zoe Daniel,



Template email for parents to send to MPs below. Please copy and paste.


Dear Zoe,


I am very concerned by the Allan Labor Government’s $400 School Saving Bonus for all school students in government schools regardless of income, but only for Health Care Card holders in Catholic schools.  As the parent of a child in a Catholic school I believe this payment should be applied equally - either means tested for all students or available to all students.  It should not be based on which school you attend. 


Families in Catholic schools are also experiencing cost of living pressures. This announcement discriminates against my family and punishes me for choosing to send my child to a Catholic school.  I have the right to expect the government treat me and my family equally regardless of our choice of schooling.


Please vote against this discriminatory policy and treat all families fairly.  I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely,


School Uniform

A reminder to all families that children in winter uniform should only wear their leather school shoes not runners as they are only to be worn with their sports uniform. Parents need to make sure their child leaves home wearing the correct uniform. Children who have sporting activities before or after school need to change their shoes before or after these activities. 


Student Wellbeing Night

Thank you to our Student Wellbeing Leader Daliah McLoughney (Mrs M) for running the Student Wellbeing night last Tuesday. Daliah does a great job in this area giving her time so freely to families and it was disappointing to see many of the families who have responded saying they were attending not turn up. Despite this, those who turned up had a great time using art as a tool to improve wellbeing. 


School Closure Days

I would like to remind families that school will be closed on Thursday 6th June and Friday 7th June for professional learning.