Important Notices

Information you need to know

Changes to traffic flow due to driveway upgrade

After much organisation we are pleased to announce that towards the end of this term, our driveway will be resurfaced. We are placing down a concrete driveway that should provide along-term solution to issues associated with heavy rain events causing potholes and I know we will all be thankful when that is completed. However, this will take longer than two weeks in the holidays and so there will be disruption to traffic during this time. The civil works will begin in Week 6 on the Monday but the disruption will be negligible. The more significant disruption will commence in Week 9 on Monday, 24th June.


In order to be as safe and orderly as we possibly can, please observe the following:

  1. Over the last two weeks of term, there will be changes to traffic flow both during drop-off and pick-up.
  2. If you approach the school from the south along Old-Southern Road, you will not be able to turn right into the school. Rather, go to the roundabout at the intersection ofIsa Road and Old Southern Road and come back so you approach the school from the North.
  3. When you leave the school, you will only be able to turn left as you depart the school.
  4. If possible, please park in the surrounding streets and walk to the school to collect your children and then return to your car. This will take pressure off the car park which will be under strain for this period of time.
  5. If you have children who attend PEAK, you will need to utilise the main carpark rather than stopping on the exit road.
  6. From Week 9 the buses will be dropping off and picking up at the southern end of the property on Old Southern Road where the road widens. We will have staff monitoring this to ensure it is all done safely. In the afternoon the students will be walked down to the bus stop when their buses arrive.

Note that the above dates may change depending upon the weather. Please be aware that we will all need graciousness and patience whilst we work to improve our driveway. I thank you in advance for your observance in these areas.


Graeme Jolliffe


Afternoon Student Pickup

If you need to collect your child early for an appointment or convey any alternate plans to catch the bus, go to car lines etc., this will need to be done prior to 2.30pm.  Due to how busy the Front Office and classrooms are after 2:30pm, we cannot make late arrangements after this time.


If your child will be absent for school, it would be appreciated if you could complete and submit the below form or call the school office on Ph: 4422 1199 prior to school starting. If no notification is received, an SMS will be sent out to you which will require your response and reason for your child's absence.


This form can be completed in advance if you know your child will be away from school for any reason.

Late to school

Please be reminded that students are required to be outside their classrooms at the following times:


8:25am Secondary

8:35am Primary


Infants parents/carers, you may walk your child to their class before the school bell, but once school has started, they will need to walk themselves to their class on their own.


If your child is late to school, please ask them to come to the window next to the front office to check in. If they are not with an adult, you will receive an SMS to confirm that you are aware of their late arrival to school.

Old football boots wanted!

If you have any football (soccer) boots and shin guards that your children have outgrown, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to give them a new purpose. We have an upcoming Secondary Zone Football (Soccer) Gala Day in Term 2 and several of our students are eager to participate but lack proper footwear & shin guards. It would be wonderful if we could gather a small assortment of donated equipment to lend to these students for this event. If you have any old football boots & shin guards that you would be willing to contribute, kindly send them to Miss Bignell in the PDHPE Dept. Thank you for your generosity!

Before School Drop Off & Supervision

Student supervision begins at 8:10 am. Parents are asked not to drop students at school before this time. It is understood that buses arrive earlier than this. For those students who routinely arrive by bus before 8:10, they are expected to sit until supervision begins. It is suggested that they have a book or something else to do during this time.