Things to know

The community members of Launching Place Primary School acknowledge the traditional owners, the Kulin nations, of the land on which we learn and play.
We pay respects to the Aboriginal Elders, past and present, who are our teachers.
We thank them for taking care of children and country for countless generations.
Community Pantry
Please remember to utilize the resources available at the Community Pantry located in the school foyer.
Everyone is encouraged to take what they need.
Our goal this term is to utilize all the supplies we have before the end of the term in preparation for the new year, when we can begin fresh by placing orders to replenish the pantry for the community.
Breakfast Club runs every Wednesday and Thursday from 8.10 - 8.40 (limited menu after 8.30). All welcome!
Parent helpers are most welcome to pop in and give a lending hand. Thank You To Esme for all your help.
Uniform shop
LPPS is in the midst of changing uniform suppliers. Soon our new supplier will be online.
The transition should be seamless and we will keep you up to date when this transition is complete. We still have exsisting uniform at school which can be purchased at the school
School Savings Bonus
Dear parents and carers,
As shared with you previously, parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school in 2025 will receive the one-off School Saving Bonus $400 support.
In the coming months, the Department of Education will send you 2 email communications for each of your children enrolled in Victorian government schools.
By Friday 18 October 2024, please ensure that your child’s 2025 enrolment is completed and that your contact information is up to date.
The 2 emails from the Department of Education will:
1. Confirm your email address between mid-October and late-November.
2. Provide you with your unique $400 School Saving Bonus code by the end of November.
If you do not receive a confirmation email from the department by late-November, please check your spam or junk folders and contact 59647783 if needed.
You can read more about the School Saving Bonus on the Department of Education website, with key information now available in 14 different languages.
Kindly note that it is mandatory for all students to wear hats during recess and lunchtime in term 4. In the event that students do not have a hat, they will be requested to remain in an undercover area, which may restrict their activities during break times.
Halloween Dress Up Day
Wednesday 30th October.Come dressed in your favourite Halloween Costume!Availableto Purchase from Compass Canteen for a little treat.
Spiders/ice cream float- $5.00
Milk Shakes - $5.00
Lollybags- $2.00
Gold Coin Donation.
Order close on the 25th October on Compass.
Please ensure that you provide consent for any upcoming excursions prior to the specified closing date. Once bookings with venues and transportation have been confirmed, and staffing ratios established, it is typically not possible to accommodate late additions. Changes after these arrangements are finalized may disrupt our planning. If you have any financial concerns regarding an excursion, we encourage you to reach out before the closing date to discuss potential options.