Parents' and Friends' Association (PFA)

Upcoming Events in Term 4:


Zooper Dooper 

Wednesdays are back !!


Please make sure $1 is handed to your child’s classroom teacher in the morning.

Please send exact change with your child as the teachers may not be able to break the notes.


Remember that we always welcome assistance from our fellow 

parents and guardians.


If you would like to help at any of our upcoming events please contact us at


Next PFA Meeting:


Date: Wednesday October 23rd

Please contact the PFA if you would like to join 

our next meeting.


Our PFA 2024 Class Representatives are:

Prep ASia Roussos & Terri Abeysekera
Prep BSarah Koh 
1 / 2 CJanina Pereira Mok
1 / 2 DLisa Alizzi
1 / 2 EJoanne Saulys
3 / 4 FVerina Pang 
3 / 4 GErica Madgin & Julie Moretti 
3 / 4 HLara Akinsanya
5 / 6 ISetareh Jafari
5 / 6 JMandy Hjorth
5 / 6 LManj Senn & Silvia Miracola

Have a great week ahead everyone!