
Year 07
The Year 07 curriculum builds on the primary years and extends the development of skills and strategies that are essential for effective learning.
Students study some subjects for a semester (half year) and others across the whole year. Each subject covers a comprehensive range of activities designed to provide the fundamental skills which students need to understand and successfully interact with the world around them, and work towards the standards specified in the Australian Curriculum.
Foundations in literacy in English and numeracy in Mathematics are laid, whilst offering each student the opportunity to attain their highest level of achievement. Humanities, Science, Music, Art/technology, Health, Physical Education, German and the Hold Fast mentoring program provide a range of learning experiences.
Victorian Curriculum is the curriculum from Prep to Year 10 for all Victorian schools. The Standards outline what is important for students to learn and develop during their time at school.
Designed to encourage a deep understanding of essential knowledge, skills and behaviours, the Standards are also be used to plan student learning, assess student progress and report to parents.
The Standards have been developed after national and international research by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). Expectations for young people are changing: it is important to continue to explore how students learn and what they need to be successful learners.
The Standards aim to meet the challenges of preparing young people for a world in which knowledge is highly valued and constantly changing, a world in which work, society, community and personal relationships are subject to increasingly complex pressures.
Young people need a broad range of knowledge and social, personal and thinking skills to be successful.
The Standards will prepare them for their final years of study in the:
- Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
- Victorian Certificate of Education – Vocational Major (VCE VM).
- Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs can also be undertaken as part of either VCE or VCE VM.
The Victorian Curriculum is set in three main strands or areas.
Statement of Courses
The Year 07 Curriculum is organised into 5 periods per day, each of 60 minutes. The timetable is a 10-day cycle and Information Technology is integrated throughout the curriculum.
There is also a focus upon integrated learning across the Key Learning Areas. As well as developing a range of knowledge and skills, students become directly connected with an aspect of their local community.
All Year 07 students play sport together for one afternoon per week to assist in creating a team feeling in the year level and to promote a healthy lifestyle.
All Year 07 students follow a common course based upon the Victorian Curriculum.
Year 07 students should be working to achieve a Level 07 within the Victorian Curriculum structure.
Year 07 Subject
Classroom Music
Digital Technology
English (& EAL)
Food Technology
Hold Fast
Physical Education