
Welcome back to Term Four! I hope everyone had a lovely and restful two weeks holiday. This term we are focusing on developing skills such as beat and rhythm, exploring instruments such as glockenspiels, ukuleles, and guitars as well as choral singing and composing.   



Prep Innovation will also take place this term with the selected students extending their musical learning outside of regular music classes. 


In Term Four, Prep students will commence a unit on note writing. They will focus on writing the modified forms of Ta’s (crotchets) and Ti-Ti’s (quavers). Students will draw on their prior knowledge of a beat to ensure that they are using one beat per beat circle. They will create many different rhythms using beat boards before performing these on various instruments such as BoomWhackers and Clave. Students will also continue to develop their rhythm and counting skills. They will learn more complex songs on the Glockenspiel ensuring that they are playing the correct rhythm and notes. 


Curriculum Links: 

Rehearse and perform songs and short instrumental pieces which they have learnt and composed (VCAMUP019) 

Explore sound and silence and ways of using their voices, movement and instruments to express ideas (VCAMUE017) 


Key Vocabulary:  

Glockenspiel, Crotchets (Ta’s), Quavers (Ti-Ti’s), Rhythm and Beat 


Year 1 

Throughout Term Four, Year One students will be beginning a unit on composition. They will focus on the various types of notes and the different timbre of instruments. Students will use varying methods to create their compositions such as using multiple instruments, using food names to assist with rhythm and using certain pitches only. Once they have created their compositions students will be transferring these to instruments including Piano, BoomWhackers, Glockenspiels, Xylophones and Chime Bars. Students will not only be exploring sound in their compositions but also begin to explore silence in music and how this can create interest in a song. 




Curriculum Links: 

Use imagination and experimentation to explore musical ideas using voice, movement, instruments and body percussion (VCAMUE021) 

Sing and play instruments to improvise, compose and practise a repertoire of chants, songs and rhymes, including those used by cultural groups in the local community (VCAMUM022) 

Rehearse and perform songs and instrumental music they have learnt and composed to communicate ideas to an audience (VCAMUP023) 


Key Vocabulary: 

Composition, Piano, BoomWhackers, Glockenspiels, Xylophones and Chime Bars. 


Year 2 

In Term Four, Year Two students will undertake a unit on creating and communicating feeling through music. Students will begin by exploring songs that make them feel happy, sad, energetic, scared etc. They will analyse each of these songs to see what elements are used to create these feelings for example a fast beat to create a happy sound. Students will then explore the different notes and instruments they could use to create certain sounds to match a feeling. They will then transfer this knowledge to create their own song with a feeling in mind. Students will perform their songs for each other and guess which feeling is being conveyed. 


Curriculum Links: 

Rehearse and perform songs and instrumental music they have learnt and composed to communicate ideas to an audience (VCAMUP023) 

Use imagination and experimentation to explore musical ideas using voice, movement, instruments and body percussion (VCAMUE021) 

Sing and play instruments to improvise, compose and practise a repertoire of chants, songs and rhymes, including those used by cultural groups in the local community (VCAMUM022) 


Key Vocabulary: 

Feeling, Beat and Communicating. 

Year 3 

Throughout Term Four, Year Three students will undertake a unit on Guitar. They will learn the correct technique to use when playing the Guitar; correct finger placement, hand position and posture. Students will be introduced to TAB notation and how to read it whilst also consolidating their knowledge of formal notation. They will be introduced to and learn how to play many different songs on the Guitar. These songs will use various notes requiring the students to place their hand and fingers in different positions along the Guitar. Students will also be transferring their prior knowledge of rhythm and pitch to play songs. 


Curriculum Links: 

Rehearse and perform songs and instrumental music they have learnt and composed, shaping elements of music to communicate ideas to an audience (VCAMUP027) 

Use voice and instruments to sing, play and arrange music from different cultures, times and locations, and improvise and compose music in different forms(VCAMUM026) 


Key Vocabulary: 

Technique, Guitar, TAB and notation 

Year 4 

In Term Four, Year Four students will commence a unit on Guitar. Students will learn about the different parts of the Guitar (neck, tuning pegs, strings etc) and the correct technique to use when playing (finger placement, hand position and posture). They will be introduced to the different forms of TAB notation and how to read it along with four simple chords. Students will be introduced to many different songs and strumming patterns. As the term progresses, they will learn more challenging songs with more chord and string changes. Students will transfer their knowledge of rhythm and pitch to play songs throughout the term. 



Curriculum Links: 

Rehearse and perform songs and instrumental music they have learnt and composed, shaping elements of music to communicate ideas to an audience (VCAMUP027) 

Use voice and instruments to sing, play and arrange music from different cultures, times and locations, and improvise and compose music in different forms(VCAMUM026) 


Key Vocabulary: 

Chords, Guitar and technique 


Year 5 

Throughout Term Four, Year Five students will undertake a unit on the Ukulele. Students will learn the correct technique to play including finger placement, hand position and posture. They will also be introduced to the different parts of the Ukulele and basic strumming patterns. Students will learn to read TAB notation both in chord and single note form. They will learn simple songs and chords throughout the term. Students will focus on changing chords quickly and fluently to play along with recorded songs. They will also transfer their prior learning of rhythm and pitch to ensure they are playing the song correctly. 


Curriculum Links: 

Develop and practise technical skills and use of expressive elements of music in singing, playing instruments, improvising, arranging and composing (VCAMUM030) 

Rehearse and perform songs and music they have learnt, including their own compositions, combining aspects of the elements of music and using performance skills, to communicate ideas and intentions to an audience (VCAMUP031) 


Key Vocabulary: 

Ukulele, TAB, strumming patterns and chords 

Year 6 

Throughout Term Four, Year Six students will choose their graduation song through student voice and will begin to learn it. Students will be working on improving and consolidating their singing voices throughout this unit. They will also explore the skills needed to sing as a large group including the need to keep a steady beat and transfer this knowledge when singing their graduation song as a year level. Students will be required to memorise the lyrics of the song and perform without any prompting. They will also be introduced to several vocal warmups along with the correct posture required when singing. Students will explore the benefits of singing on their health both mental and physical and why it is important to stand when singing to get the best sound.   


Curriculum Links: 

Develop and practise technical skills and use of expressive elements of music in singing, playing instruments, improvising, arranging and composing (VCAMUM030) 

Rehearse and perform songs and music they have learnt, including their own compositions, combining aspects of the elements of music and using performance skills, to communicate ideas and intentions to an audience (VCAMUP031) 


Key Vocabulary: 

Singing, beat and posture 


How can you support your child’s Music learning at home?   

  • Sing along to the songs on the radio in the car or at home. 
  • Play Guess the song as a family. First person to guess the name of the song and the artist gets a point! 
  • Create your own unique musical instrument out of materials you can find around the house.