This week in Literacy, we introduced the digraph "ph," helping students to identify the sound it makes in words like *phone* and *elephant*. The children are gaining confidence in recognizing and using this digraph in their reading and writing. Alongside this, our Imaginary Animal project is in full swing! With the support of our Year 5 buddies, the students are learning essential research skills. They’re gathering facts about real animals, which they will creatively combine to design their very own imaginary creatures. It’s been wonderful to see their curiosity and excitement grow with each new discovery!
In Numeracy, we focused on partitioning with the number 7. The students explored various ways to break down the number—using manipulatives, drawings, and number sentences to make combinations that add up to 7 (e.g., 4 and 3 makes 7, 6 and 1 makes 7 etc.). We also continued refining our number formation skills, ensuring students are writing their numbers clearly and accurately. This helps build a strong foundation for future mathematical concepts and problem-solving.
Upcoming Event: Melbourne Zoo Excursion
We are excited to announce that our Melbourne Zoo Excursion will take place on Friday, 8th November 2024. This excursion is a fantastic opportunity for the students to see firsthand the animals and habitats we've been learning about in class. They’ll learn about various enclosures, observe animal behaviours, and understand the importance of habitats in the survival of different species. This experience will deepen their connection to our term’s inquiry topic. A COMPASS event has been posted—please make sure to provide consent and payment for your child to attend. We can’t wait for this educational adventure!
If you have any questions or need further details, feel free to reach out.
Your Foundation Teachers
Prep Team