Principal's Message

Cultural Diversity Day
I enjoyed my first Mount View Cultural Diversity Day this week which recognised and celebrated the unique strengths that each culture brings to our collective experience. I want to acknowledge our teacher Ms. Liu, Ms. Xue and Ms. Pulbrook who coordinated the day and to all of our staff for leading activities to celebrate diversity, love and happiness. Congratulations to Grace and Chloe who are our Languages Captains. Their leadership ensured that the day was a great success and you can read their report in this week’s newsletter.
Happy Diwali to those of you who celebrate the festival of lights. We wish you all joy, prosperity and happiness during this festive time.
Thank-you to Bunnings, Vermont South
This week Bunnings, from Vermont South, donated several plants to our school. Students in 4LR had the pleasure of planting a variety of rosemary, blueberry and rhubarb plants. They are all located in one of our planter boxes near the senior learning centre. We want to extend our appreciation to Marie, who works at the Vermont South Bunnings for providing all of these plants to our school for our students to enjoy and learn from!
Year 5 camp
Our Year 5 students and staff are well prepared for their camp to the Ranch on the Mornington Peninsula. They will leave school on Wednesday morning for this exciting camp experience. Our camping program allows students to develop new skills while gaining independence in a new environment with their friends and teachers. Thank you to our teachers, support staff and parent helpers for providing this special experience for our students.
Rubbish in the yard
I remain concerned by the amount of rubbish in our school. Our staff are supporting students to take care of our school environment by ensuring that they put lunch wrappers in rubbish bins. We continue to explore ways that we can minimise our impact on the environment. You can help us by reducing the amount of packaging in your children’s lunchboxes. We all have a responsibility to maintain our beautiful school and I thank you for your support.
Road Safety
We have a shared responsibility to follow the road rules and make sure that our students are safe when travelling to and from school. These include:
- Using the 2 minute drop off zone
- Please stay with your vehicle – for no more than 2 minutes.
- Do not use this area if you want to walk in with your child or meet them inside the school.
- Park in allocated parking areas
- Do not park in no standing areas
- Do not let your children get out of your car if your car has stopped in a queue of traffic. This is considered double parking.
- Adhering to the speed limit
- Do not exceed 40 kmph in school zones
And please, use the pedestrian crossings.
Celebrating our students
Congratulations to Shania from Year 5 who proudly spoke about her recent success in gymnastics.
“ I had a state competition in Geelong arena for gymnastics. I came 2nd,3rd and 3rd for overall. Gymnastics is really fun and I think all my training paid off. It was really fun and I hope I can do better in nationals.”
We are very proud of you Shania!