Kinder/Year 1

This year’s Spring Flower Festival has given us the opportunity to be a part of a large scale
sculpture competition and feel like real artists. We have also explored new materials and how to repurpose old materials.
Words like abstract, realistic, exhibit, inspiration, judging, criteria, and even jubilee have entered our lexicon in the past two weeks, as we sought inspiration, planned and created our works of art. It has been exciting to consider artworks as sculptures rather than flat 2 dimensional paintings as well as small-scale sculptures vs large-scale outdoor pieces. It has also been interesting to think of art as being an individual piece or a collaboration. We also wondered what it must be like to be a real sculptor who SELLS their artwork or wins a prize. Fingers crossed one of us might! We have been excited to have our creations being seen by a wide audience to appreciate!
We have used ordinary materials and objects and re-used them in a way that gives them new life and lets us imagine them as new things which helps us to beautify a space or make people ponder. Make sure to drop into the basketball stadium this weekend to see the results of our hard work.
A Student:
VAES1.2 Experiments with a range of media in selected forms.
VAS1.2 Uses the forms to make artworks according to varying requirements.