Grade 4 Community News

Dear Grade 4 Students and Families,
Wow, we are already at the end of Week 4!? How time flies when you are having fun! Term 4 is always a fun, yet busy time for us all. We are well into the swing of things and working hard to consolidate all the skills that we have learnt throughout the year.
We have finished our literature unit on our serial text Help Around the House by Morris Gleitzman. We had many rich class discussions about the themes and values present throughout the text and had many opportunities to make connections to the world around us.
We have now begun our Read 2 Learn unit about Medieval Europe. We have started off our learning by understanding how the Feudal System worked, as well as the way in which people lived in Medieval Europe. So far, we have explored how manors operated and what it is like to have lived in a castle! As we progress through the unit, we will continue to explore they ways of life in Medieval Europe, as well as learn about notable figures from this time such as Charlemagne, William the Conqueror and Joan of Arc.
In Week 3, we finalised our unit on Persuasive Writing by drafting and publishing a piece on why ‘A Long Walk to Water’ is a great book. It was fantastic to see students show their understanding of how they can use language feature like modality, emotive language and inclusive language to persuade readers to form an opinion.
We have now begun our unit on Historical Recounts, where we will be using the knowledge we learn about Medieval Europe in our Read 2 Learn lessons to write about significant events and people, using language of fact rather than language of opinion. This will be a fantastic opportunity for us to demonstrate all the writing skills that we have learnt throughout the year and celebrate our growth.
Over the last three weeks have been very busy building our knowledge and understanding of Time. We have placed emphasis on reading the time on an analogue clock, where students have familiarised themselves with using the language of ‘how many minutes past’ and ‘how many minutes to’ when reading the time out loud. We know that reading an analogue clock can be a bit tricky sometimes, but it has been fantastic to see so many students demonstrate growth in their understanding of this concept. Here’s some students from 4A putting their skills into practice:
Content Area – Civics and Citizenship:
We are busy exploring how our government in Australia is structured, by identifying the three levels being Local, State and Federal. Students have explored what each level of government is responsible for as well as how decisions are made. This leads nicely into the ‘Democracy, Community and Me’ which is currently running, where students run a mock council election and meeting!
- We have our excursion to Kryal Castle on Tuesday November 12. Please make sure that you are on time to school as we will be leaving at 9am sharp. Students are to be in full school uniform, and have a packed lunch, snack and water bottle. We will return to school at 3pm.
- In Term 4 all students must wear a TRPS hat during recess and lunch play time. If you do not have a TRPS hat, they are available to be purchased at the office.