Grade 3 Community News

Dear Grade 3 Families,
We've been enjoying some fantastic learning experiences in class lately! The students are engaged and enthusiastic as we dive into new topics and activities together. It's been a great time for everyone!
In reading, students have been exploring the exciting world of the Vikings. They've learned about Viking society, from their fierce warriors and skilled sailors to the daily lives of farmers and craftsmen. Students have also delved into Viking exploration and trade, discovering how these seafaring people journeyed far and wide, leaving their mark on many lands. They’ve gained insights into Viking longships, their settlements, and the legends that shaped their culture. It’s amazing to see how much they’ve learned about this fascinating period in history and the remarkable achievements of the Vikings.
In their writing lessons, students have been applying their knowledge from reading about the Vikings to create historical recounts. They’ve enjoyed taking key information about Viking life, exploration, and culture and turning it into detailed sentences. Using a Single Paragraph Outline (SPO), they’ve learned to organize their notes and supporting details to craft well-structured paragraphs. By using the SPO, they create topic and concluding sentences that frame their recounts, helping them clearly present historical facts. It's fantastic to see them using these tools to develop their skills in writing historical pieces, a technique they'll continue refining throughout the year!
In their math lessons, students have recently begun learning about Australian money. They explored how to recognize different coins and notes, gaining an understanding of their values and how they relate to one another. Through hands-on activities like sorting and comparing various combinations of coins and notes, students practiced counting money and solving real-life problems involving currency. This interactive approach is helping them build practical skills with money while reinforcing their understanding of basic math concepts. It's exciting to see their enthusiasm and progress in this important area!
Morphology/ Vocabulary:
Over the past couple of weeks, students have been diving into new vocabulary inspired by our ongoing text, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Some of the new words they encountered were unpleasant, provoke, tower, disgruntled, batter, cackle skim, sinister, streak and gloomy. The students eagerly explored these words by investigating their meanings, finding synonyms and antonyms, and practicing how to use them in sentences. This activity helped deepen their understanding of the vocabulary and enriched their engagement with the text.
Friendly Reminders:
- Please ensure that your child is bringing a hat as the weather is warming up.
- Please ensure that your child is bringing their reading satchel and journal on their assigned day so that we can celebrate their reading.
- Please ensure that your child is only bringing water in their drink bottle.