Grade 2 Community News

Dear PLC, 2 Families,
Our Year 2 students have been busy over the last two weeks with learning in the classroom and outside. We have been learning the following:
In our ‘Read to Learn’ sessions, we have been continuing our learning about Greek Myths. We have been learning about Theseus and the Minotaur, Daedalus and Icarus, Hercules, Oediphus and the Riddle of the Sphynx and finally about Atalanta and the Golden Apples. Ask your students to share which myth has been their favourite!
Our writing is currently focused on a new genre - imaginative writing. Students are learning how to create their own ‘myth’ based on what they have been learning in the Read to Learn sessions. The students are scaffolded to carefully craft their writing following the writing process, including planning, drafting, editing, revising, and finally, publishing.
In maths, we have continued learning about fractions. This week we ended our fractions unit in a fun way with Fraction Olympics. Each student had the opportunity to participate in a number of different events including shot put with a cotton wool ball, Long Thump using counters, Mini Javelin using a tooth pick and finally Long Blast involving a straw and a ping pong ball.
This term, we will be reading the text Bungawitta by Emily Rodda. Our vocabulary words have been carefully selected from this text. The words we looked at during week 2 were: agriculture, broadcast, quilt, clay, plaster and paddock.
This term, we have started our unit of morphology. This week we have been exploring adding the prefix ‘mis’ to base words and exploring what impact it has on the words.
So far, Year 2 students have been lucky enough to participate in two incursions. The first one was a STEM incursion where the students had the opportunity to create paper from recycled paper. Our second incursion was a Little Athletics incursion. The students completed an obstacle course using skills that are needed for long jump and triple jump and participated in shot put and discus using bean bags.
The students had heaps of fun in both incursions and enjoyed the opportunity to continue their learning outside their regular classroom.
Now that it is term 4, please ensure your child comes to school with their Tarneit Rise hat every day. If they do not have their hat, they will be directed to play in the shade.