French News

Bonjour mes amis! (Hello my friends).
Comment ca-va? (How are you?)
Our petit enfants (little children) have been hard at work over the past two weeks.
Our little Preppies have been learning the names of their family members. So maman and papa, you can ask them to teach you and help them with their learning. They also learnt to name farm animals. Here are a couple of links to help you practise with them. animals family matching game
Grade one students have been learning to discuss what they eat for breakfast (petit dejeuner), lunch (dejeuner) and dinner (diner) and to express their opinion about food.
Talkative two’s have been practising their oral French skills; learning how to ask and reply to questions about their family and pets. We also had lots of fun and cultivated our spirit of competition by learning the names of shapes playing ‘Shape Bingo’. shape chant shape matching game
Practising their French skills playing ‘Blooket’
Grade three’s revisited numbers from zero to soixante (sixty) and learnt how to use colour adjectives in a sentence. In French, the colour adjective comes after the noun. So, a red pen becomes un stylo rouge.
Gorgeous Grade fours have been discussing the weather and learning to name different types of clothing. Aujourd’ hui il-fait beau. Je porte une robe jaune. Today the weather is beautiful. I am wearing a yellow dress. weather song clothing game
Grades 5 and 6 have been focusing on constructing sentences in French and learning how to correctly pronunce different letter combinations.
Au reviour mes amis! (Good-bye my friends!)
Bonne journee! (Have a nice day!)