Dear fellow scientists,
Prep students are learning to record their observations on how various objects move, including whether they roll, bounce, or spin. The objects they explored included a rock, pencil, ball, cup, LEGO piece, glue stick, and marble.
Grade 1 students are learning to name fossil fuels and recognise items in their schools and homes made from them. The three main fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas. Students are also identifying products made from fossil fuels, like gasoline (petrol) for cars.
Grade 2 students are learning to sequence the steps of the paper recycling process, labelling each stage from 1 to 7 and attaching the related sentences. They also viewed a video demonstrating how recycling machines operate.
Grade 3 students are learning to compare the sizes of the Earth, Sun, and Moon by using models to describe observable objects we can see in space. of FormBottom of Form
Grade 4 students predicted, tested, and compared the friction of various surfaces in the classroom. They made predictions about which surface would have the least friction, recorded their results in a table, and presented their findings in a graph. Using precise measurements, they determined how far a counter travelled on each surface.
Grade 5 students are enhancing their science inquiry skills through a reflection investigation, where they shine a light box onto a mirror and measure the angle of reflection. They made predictions, formulated investigable questions, identified variables, and recorded their results.
Grade 6 students are exploring the effects of extreme weather on the Earth’s surface through a Jigsaw Sharing activity, where they exchanged answers with other groups and documented their findings in a table. They also created their own definitions and described the impacts of various types of weather.
In other news Grade 3 students who are attending STEM club have been making paper roller coasters from scratch by just using scrap paper, scissors and sticky tape. They have been amazing in creating and designing these roller coasters and tested it with a marble.