Physical Education News

Dear Students, Families, and Parents,
Welcome back to Term 4! We hope that you have all had a nice break and are well rested to tackle the rest of term 4. Please make sure that all students have hats as we will be having lessons outside.
Western Metro Athletics
Well done to our Metro athletics team! You all did very well representing our school. Special well done to Sierra who came second in Discus and First in Shotput! Well done and we wish you all the best at State!
Division Volleyball
Well done to our division volleyball team who competed on Thursday! You all played really well and represented our school with pride and passion. Awesome achievement to come second!
AFL Club, Nick Larkey visit
Last Wednesday we had North Melbourne Key forward Nick Larkey come down and run a session for our club. Nick showed the students how to kick, handball and bounce a football as well as increase their love for the game! The students had lots of questions none about Collingwood were answered. Safe to say some students have a new favourite player and a new team to support! Thanks Nick for coming out!
The Preps have successfully completed their second Fundamental motor skills assessment. It has been awesome to see how the Preps have developed across the year. The Preps are now working on their kick.
Grade 1 and Grade 2
The Grade 1s have completed their fourth Fundamental motor skills assessment and have made lots of positive growth. They have started to refine their skills with the high catch and throw needing some more work.
The Grade 2s have completed their sixth Fundamental motor skills assessment and have shown that they are just about ready to progress to the CAPL assessment in Grade 3. This Week they have finished off their single-hand strike as they prepare for a transition into a two-handed strike.
Grades 3 and 4
The grades 3s and 4s have completed their CAPL assessment for Term 4 and have made really good growth. The students are moving well in their Net and Wall unit as they have been practicing their skills for downball.
Grades 5 and 6
The 5s and 6s have been finished their CAPL assessments with outstanding times. Our two fastest times for the week were split by 0.29 of a second. Well done to all of our students for their efforts to improve their movement abilities.
Grade 5 students continue with their badminton unit with racquet skills and have moved into learning how to serve, which leads to a rally. The students have been practicing their hand-eye coordination by hitting the shuttle up and down using both sides of the racquet. The more skills they have learned, the better the students have become at serving, which has led to some awesome rallies!
Grade 6s are progressing well with the tennis unit for the term and have continued well with racquet skills, preparing the students for upcoming rallies and serves. The students have worked on their hand-eye coordination to be able to maintain a rally with another student.
Superstar of the week!
Well done to Avnoor who was voted by her coaches as the most valued player on her team! Avnoor plays for Tarneit United and played a key role in her team this year! Well done Avnoor!!
Team of the Week
Well done to our first Team of the Week in PE. All of these students have shown excellence in PE for the last two weeks. Each student showed all of the school values and participated to the best of their ability.
After School Clubs
- 5 Cricket Wednesdays with Mr Dew
- 4/5 AFL with Mr Raffaele and Mr Tivendale
- Nagy Coaching Academy
Activities for people with Disability: