Performing Arts News

Hi Tarneit Rise families,
Since the last newsletter students in grades 1-6 have been practising their drama skills in different ways. The prep students have been demonstrating what they have learned so far in Performing Arts this Semester.
In week 3 the prep students performed songs in different ways. First, they showed their singing abilities as a group. Then they demonstrated using body percussion by clapping and tapping to create a rhythm. Finally, they used the percussion instrument to create the rhythm in a song while singing along. This week students are demonstrating their drama through performing Goldilocks and the Three Bears to their classmates. Through this performance students have practised their stage skills by learning to use a loud acting voice for the audience to hear them clearly and practising moving around the stage as their character and facing the audience while performing.
In both week 3 and 4 of this term Grade 1 & 2 students have been learning about ventriloquism and practising being a ventriloquist. They have used hand puppets to practise creating a clear character voice while attempting to keep their lips still. They have learnt about the ventriloquist alphabet which focuses on the letters that are harder to say without moving your lips. These letters are substituted for different sounds that are similar to the original sound to enable ventriloquists to talk without moving their lips. Students have practised interacting with their puppets and creating plans for their puppet show in week 5.
In week 3 Grade 3 and 4 students have worked on creating a voice for the character they have created. They have thought about how to use tone, pace, pitch, quality and volume to create a voice that matches their character’s traits and emotions. This week Grade 3 and 4 students have practised projecting their voice outside across a distance to practise speaking as their character and making sure an audience can hear them clearly. After this students have rehearsed a script and performed it to their peers using their character voice and making sure they are projecting their voices.
Last week Grade 5 & 6 students watched short films to analyse the elements of drama used in the films. Students were able to think about what happened in the plot of the film and identify the theme of the short film. This week students have been learning about different angles and shots to they can use them in their final short film that they create. They have practised taking quick clips using these different angles and shots so they understand how they work, their purpose and what they convey to the audience. This will help them in the following weeks as they plan what shots and angles they are going to use in their short films.
We would like to say thank you for all the hard work that all the students put into Performing Arts each week. It has been amazing to see how their drama skills have been developing in the first few weeks of the term. We can’t wait to see what the students do next with performances.
Prep K students playing the Hello Song with percussion instruments
Students from 4J acting out a scene
Students from 5F filming 5 second shots and angles to practise their camera skills.
See you in the Performing Arts room
Mrs Patton, Mr Max, Miss V and Mrs Brant