Grade 5 Community News

Dear Year 5 families,
Just like that, we are almost halfway through Term 4! Students have had a busy first few weeks back and are working hard across all subjects, striving for growth.
In Reading, students have finished reading Part 1 of Wonder, looking at August’s perspective as he navigates starting school for the first time after being home-schooled. We have begun reading Part 2, focussing on August’s sister – Via, as she describes what life has been like for her, as August’s older sister. Students are exploring new ways to share their answers through the TRPS Share Strategies. ‘Teach it Twice’ is a share strategy that we frequently use to verbally share our answers, to two other students in the class.
In Writing, students have looked at what a narrative poem is, and are able to identify what a narrative poem consists of. Students have planned and created a number of their own poems. A fan favourite has been a poem about being lost in space. Students will continue to practise writing poems on different topics, incorporating different language features such as similes and metaphors.
In Mathematics, the students will continue with a unit based on Patterns and Algebra. In the weeks 3 & 4 of term the students explored mathematical algorithms. They have followed and designed their own algorithms. They have also explored BODMAS and used this algorithm to solve mathematical problems.
In Vocabulary, the students have continued to learn 6 new words each week from the text ‘Wonder’. Students have looked at the meaning of the words, synonyms and antonyms for the words, and how to use the words in sentences. They are then encouraged to use these words in their writing and reading responses.
In Health, the students will be introduced to a different subject area each week. Last week we focused on resolving conflicts. This week, we will be focusing on the link between emotions and our behaviour.
- School will be closed on Tuesday 5th November, as it is Melbourne Cup Day, a public holiday.
- Our ElephantED health incursion ($17.00) is on Wednesday 27th November and requires payment and permission by the 8th November
- Students are required to wear a sun hat throughout Term 4