Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community,
Some of you may be aware and others not, that I have been away from school (apart from 4 days) since the start of term on some sick leave. The fact that many of you were unaware is testament to the school staff who continue to give of their best with care and diligence without the principal being around. I would like to thank Antoinette who has been a beacon of strength this term supporting me and shouldering the responsibility of "being in charge" with dignity, care and wisdom. I would like to thank all the staff for their devotion to their vocation during my absence.
Our students enrolled in the extra curricula activity "Makerspace", had their third session today. They continue to experiment pulling/dismantling various equipment and using their creativity to recreate a new exciting "product". It's exciting watching these industrial engineers work with enthusiasm and a real sense of curiosity.
School Fees
I am writing to provide you details of changes in tuition fees for the 2025 academic year as you would have seen in last week's newsletter.
Any decision to adjust tuition fees is never made lightly, nor without careful and thorough consideration of our students’ needs and our school’s capacity to provide an education experience that supports every student to flourish.
We are also cognisant of the financial pressures that many families have experienced this year. Sacred Heart PS is facing increasing costs in multiple areas of school operations, including WorkCover premiums, Child Safety compliance, risk management, teacher resources and professional learning, and higher central system costs.
Our tuition fees at Sacred Heart PS are also influenced by the Commonwealth Department of Education’s calculation of our community’s ability to financially contribute to the operating costs of our school, known as the Capacity to Contribute, or CTC, which is reviewed annually. School funding is complex, in particular how the government funds Catholic(and other non-government) schools and how tuition fees support our school.
To ensure that we can continue to deliver a personalised, high-quality education that is responsive to the diverse interests and academic, social and emotional needs of our students, it is necessary to adjust our fees in 2025.
Foundation Information Night
Last night we had our Foundation 2025 Year Level information night. We are so lucky to again have another group of excited parents joining our community, eager to work with us and help their children grow into great young people.
Family Disco
We hope you are getting excited about the family disco which happens in just two weeks. Get out the dancing shoes for a big night. Tickets are still on sale but are going fast.
Please remember that it's a provide your own food and refreshments. We provide the venue, music and the great times.
Like all events when staff and students are present, it is a child safe protocol that the event be alcohol free)
Community Choir (from former parent and great support of our school Amelia)
We have Christmas Choirs for both Children and Adults and they will all be performing at a Carols Event at Edwardes Lake on the 14th of December.
We also have performances at Federation Square.
Given all the support Sacred Heart has provided to us, there is no costs for any students from Sacred Heart to join the Christmas Choir program.
For adults, we are also running a mass community choir for the carols with rehearsals community on 6th November - all welcome to register for this event which is also free to participate.
Interested families can call me on 0434 356 688 or
Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day poppies, key rings and bracelets can be purchased through the school office.
Damira Thank You
Helen and Neil, Thank You
A big thank you to Helen and Neil, parents of Connor and Scarlett for their very generous donation of sensory toys for our students. Under the photo of Connor and Scarlett holding Max, is an explanation of the wellbeing benefits of sensory toys. The magnitude of the donation means that a number of these toys can be shared across all classes.
Sensory toys help to keep children cool, calm and collected! These calming products at home, the classroom or work help reduce stress and anxiety and improve sleep and wellbeing. Products such as weighted toys and squishy toys elicit deep pressure therapy which creates a feeling of safety and sensory input.
Grill'd Northland - Donation to Sacred Heart
As mentioned in previous newsletters, Grill'd Northland have chosen our school as a community partner. During November all customers are given a token to place in the jar of the community partner they would most like to support. The community partner with the most tokens is given a valuable financial reward. As someone who likes his burgers, I can recommend the Grilled Zen Hen!
Please see our Community News page for an exciting offer from Grill'd!
Yours Sincerely