Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together


Dear Parents, 


Welcome to the 2025 school year. I trust each of you enjoyed the summer break with lots of rest and time with your loved ones. Our school year commenced with Teachers on-site last week putting in the final preparations before welcoming our students into their classrooms. You will notice on display in every classroom the morning routines and expectations that students follow at beginning of each day. These routines are consistent across the school and have been designed to support every student to start the day ready to learn. 


Prep Class of 2025

On behalf of the Albanvale Community, I would like to extend my warm welcome to our new Prep students and congratulate them on their first day of school. This is a significant milestone in a child's life and it is our privilege to be a part of it. Our Prep students started the day by getting familiar with their surroundings before jumping straight into their literacy and numeracy learning. It was great to see all the older brothers and sisters rushing to check on their siblings at recess and lunch. 



Students have begun setting up their digital portfolios through Seesaw this week. They will publish their Learning Goals and examples of their learning across the term. All families have free access to their child's Seesaw Portfolio through the Seesaw Family App, available in the App and Play Stores. We encourage all families to follow their child's progress and offer praise and feedback through the app. Your family access code will be sent home with you child this week, but if you have any problems accessing it the front office will be happy to assist you. 



Have you downloaded the Compass App to your phone? Compass is the main tool we use to communicate and share important information with families about their children. Through the Compass App families can view news items, read student reports, log absences, or contact their child's teacher. For login details or support with Compass please see our Front Office.


New Staff

I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome the new staff members to our community this year. This includes Alyssa Scotto (1/2D), Alessia Valerio (3/4D), Matthew Ressom (5/6C), and Melanie Ong (5/6D). We wish them all the best as they settle into our community and work with us to support every student, every day. I would also like to welcome back Kristy Froggert (5/6B and Art), returning from parental leave


2025 is set to be a big year as we finalise our learning and events calendar for the year. From NAPLAN and Cultural Colour Run to LITFEST and more, there won't be a dull moment. Of course, all of this is only possible with the involvement and support of our outstanding parents and the wider community. Keep an eye out in our newsletters for opportunities to support your child and the school throughout the year.


School Savings Bonus

Hopefully by now you have had a chance to log onto the School Saving Bonus portal and allocate your funds. You can choose to use them at the Uniform Group (formally PSW) or for school activities like camp and excursions. The office team have provided resources in different languages to help further in this newsletter. 


School Council Nominations and Election

This year we are looking for parent nominations to join our School Council. All government schools in Victoria have a school council. School councils are legal entities that are given powers to set the broad directions of a school in accordance with Ministerial Order 1280 Constitution of Government School Councils and the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. In doing this, a school council is able to directly influence the quality of education that the school provides for its students.


If you are interested please contact the office for further information and pick up a nomination form. Further information will be sent via 


Looking forward to partnering with you again in 2024.


Michael Uzunovski


Albanvale Primary School