Religious Education

Each week we will focus on what the students are learning in class during religion lessons. This week Mrs Wilson shares what our year 3/4 students are discussing.

Stage 2 Religion

Stage 2 this week started their unit "Living the Law of Love". It is such a nice unit to start the new year as it is all about loving one another. All the world religions teach their followers to love others. This is a central aspect of being genuinely human. 


Human beings are by their nature relational. We seek to be known by and to know others.  While each person is an individual, we live in relationship with others and come to know ourselves in relationship.  


Whenever a group of people or a community forms, rules or laws emerge to guide the people in their interactions.  These rules are usually based upon the shared values of the community. The rules help people to preserve what the community values and holds in common.


Children at this age are acutely aware of ‘rules' and this is what we have been discussing. 


Below are some photos of the students making a poster for an imaginary club that they have created and set some rules for.