Cranbourne Campus News

YEAR 7 CAMP Report
On the 10th of February, St Peter’s College Cranbourne Year 7 students attended a camp at Forest Edge, in Neerim, for 2 nights and 3 days.
Believe it or not, year 7 camp was one of my all-time favourite camps. It had everything. It had a main hall where we could hang out or play a game or two, we also had a talent show that I genuinely think was awesome. Year 7 camp was conducted through 3 exhausting yet fun-filled days. The bus drive on the way to Forest Edge was full of talks and laughter with a breathtaking view. As we got to the campsite we had to go upstairs and listen to some ground rules that the Forest Edge Leaders had to say. While they spoke my mind lit up with excitement I just couldn’t wait to get to my first activity.
Year 7 camp aimed to challenge ourselves and grow our bonds and relationships with other students. It gave us an opportunity to create connections that go beyond the classroom, and these bonds will become a support system throughout the secondary school journey.
Over the 3 days, we rotated through a series of activities to test our teamwork, skills, resilience and growth mindset. In some of the activities, we had to use our arms strength to get through the activities such as rock climbing and river sledding. Other activities such as the riddles and quizzes were quiet and mind-challenging. While some activities you just had to give it a go like high ropes, the flying fox and archery.
We had cabins to sleep in, which was really great, better than having a tent! The girls and boys were separated into different cabins. There were mostly 6 in a cabin and in some were less.
There were various types of food for all three days. Chicken schnitzel, lasagna, burgers and wraps to name a few. Most of the students liked the chicken schnitzel and the less interesting food was probably the cereal for breakfast.
I believe all students looked back on their camp as a great experience. New friendships were made and we strengthened bonds with new classmates and teachers. It also created a lasting memory among us all. Throughout the whole experience, my favourite part was hanging out with my friends and having fun. What a camp it was!
By Sachiel Ahkil Year 7
New Pastoral Program
In recent months the House Leader teams of the two campuses of St Peters College have been working collaboratively to reimagine the Pastoral program which is delivered to the students through the Houses each Tuesday fortnight. Below is the overview of the program as set out for teachers.
The program aims to create...
1. Time and space for students, Learning Advisors and House Leaders to nurture a strong sense of belonging with each other and to their House, through developing relationships within the established St Peters College House structure
2. A suite of meaningful social-emotional learning lessons that students enjoy and which provide them with invaluable learning to prepare them for life at school and beyond
(delivered by staff who are well prepared, skilled and care deeply about the students in their House).
This program has a blend of explicit teaching lessons that are founded on the themes of Resilience and Relationships from the Victorian Capabilities, lessons on topical issues such as Reconciliation and Pathways Planning and opportunities for 'play' as part of House Activities.
The first House Activities lesson this past week saw our Year 12 students mentoring our Year 7 students through a series of team-building activities.
As a rule teenage students rarely like having to talk about or learn about topics such as relationships and resilience. They can be challenging for young people to engage with and so the intention is to make the lessons dynamic and engaging with lots of movement to support a different way of learning.
We are excited by the program that started this week and look forward to getting feedback from students on whether it is hitting the mark.
Mr Jeremy Wright
Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus