Learning & Teaching News

Supporting Year 12 Success in VCE English 


As we embark on another academic year, our commitment to student success remains our top priority. Year 12 can be a challenging yet rewarding journey, and ensuring that every student receives the necessary support in their English studies is essential. 

Deputy Principal of Learning & Teaching, Mr David Hansen, has outlined a series of structured initiatives designed to enhance student performance in VCE English, English Language, and Literature. With a minimum study score of 25 required for university entrance, it is vital that students take full advantage of the extra support available. 

What’s on offer? 

  • Targeted Support During Study Periods – English teachers will be available for individual conferencing, essay feedback, and analytical skill development. 

  • Lectures and Workshops – These sessions will focus on key texts, writing techniques, and exam preparation. 

  • Practice SACs and Exams – Timed assessments will help students build confidence and prepare for final exams. 

  • Homework Club & Learning Support Officers – Specialist staff will provide after-school assistance to reinforce learning. 

Attendance at these sessions is compulsory when scheduled, and we appreciate the ongoing support from parents and guardians in reinforcing these academic priorities at home. Together, we can ensure our students achieve their best possible results. 




Exploring Cardinia Creek Reserve: VCE Environmental Science Excursion 


Recently, our VCE Environmental Science students embarked on an exciting field excursion to Cardinia Creek Nature Conservation Reserve. Led by their teacher, Ms Steph Lomas, students applied their scientific analysis skills and explored the natural ecosystem as part of their fieldwork requirements. 

Throughout the excursion, students took detailed observational notes, documented environmental conditions, and engaged in scientific analysis to assess the health of the ecosystem. This hands-on learning experience allowed them to deepen their understanding of biodiversity, ecological interactions, and human impact on natural environments. 

Students will return to Cardinia Creek Nature Conservation Reserve in the coming weeks to continue their analysis using the scientific method, reinforcing their skills in data collection, hypothesis testing, and environmental evaluation. 

Well done to our first year of VCE Environmental Science students for their enthusiasm and dedication to scientific inquiry and look forward to seeing their findings in the next phase of their research! 


Mastering Spaced Repetition for Effective Study 

As we progress through the academic year, we continue to prioritise effective study strategies to support student success. One of the most evidence-based methods for improving long-term retention is Spaced Repetition, a technique that helps reinforce learning over time. 

Why Spaced Repetition? Research shows that regularly reviewing information at increasing intervals strengthens memory and prevents last-minute cramming. This method has been widely adopted in education and professional fields, demonstrating significant improvements in recall and understanding. 

How Does It Work? Students should break study material into manageable sections and review content at strategic intervals. The ideal approach follows a structured revision schedule: 

  • Immediately after learning – Review your notes or summarise key points. 

  • Day 1 – Go over the material again to reinforce understanding. 

  • Day 3 – Test yourself using active recall strategies such as flashcards or self-quizzing. 

  • Day 7 – Review once more, focusing on areas of difficulty. 

  • Day 14 – Complete a practice question or teach the material to someone else. 

  • Day 30 – Conduct a final review to ensure long-term retention. 

This structured approach prevents forgetting by reinforcing concepts at progressively longer intervals. Adjust the frequency of review based on the difficulty of the material (more challenging topics may require additional sessions). 

Key Strategies for Success: 

  • Active Recall: Instead of passively reading notes, use flashcards, summarisation, and self-quizzing. 

  • Interleaving Subjects: Mix up study sessions to strengthen connections between topics. 

  • Practice Under Exam Conditions: Simulating timed assessments helps improve confidence and exam readiness. 

  • Tracking Progress: Using a study log or an app can help students identify areas requiring more frequent review. This is what our college Dux for 2024, Ravidhu Wijerathna, suggested was his most effective study technique!  

 We encourage students to implement Spaced Repetition as part of their study routine. By starting early and staying consistent, they can develop strong study habits that will support them throughout Year 12 and beyond. 

We appreciate the support of parents and teachers in reinforcing these strategies at home and in the classroom.  


Click here to find a great A3 poster with some other evidence-based study techniques 

Clark, J. (n.d.). Graphics. Jamie Lee Clark. https://www.jamieleeclark.com/graphics 



Academic Assembly Awards 


On Tuesday, 18 February, we gathered as a school community to celebrate the outstanding academic achievements of our students in 2024. The Academic Assembly is a highlight of our calendar, offering a moment to recognise the dedication, resilience, and excellence demonstrated by our graduates. 

This year’s awards honoured students who achieved remarkable results in their VCE and VCE Vocational Major pathways. Students were recognised for their exceptional subject performances, including those who attained a study score of 40 or above, the highest-performing student (Dux) in each subject across our campuses, and those who achieved an ATAR above 90. 

Beyond the accolades, this event provided a meaningful opportunity to connect with our graduates and hear about their next steps. Many students are beginning their university studies at institutions such as the University of Melbourne, Monash University, and a range of other leading universities and tertiary providers. Others are embarking on exciting career pathways, building on the foundations of their VET qualifications undertaken as part of their VCE Vocational Major program. 

Following the formal proceedings, we enjoyed refreshments with our graduates and their families, reflecting on their achievements and aspirations. Their success is a testament to the unwavering support of our teachers, parents, and caregivers, whose encouragement and guidance have helped shape their journeys. 

We are incredibly proud of our students and look forward to seeing them continue to thrive in their chosen fields. Congratulations to the Class of 2024! 



Ms Jade Smith

Learning & Teaching Pedagogical Coach