Catholic Identity & Mission News

It has been my pleasure to engage with Year 7’s and their families at the recent House Welcome Evenings. I had the opportunity to deliver a short presentation on the Catholic identity of the College and reflected on the many ways we can think, pray and act in ways that align with our College motto ‘Be not afraid’ and our annual theme, ‘Be the reason for hope’. As Chris Black, our College Principal, noted though, it was like ‘preaching to the converted’ because there was already a great sense of courage and hope among those who attended! Their presence showed a commitment to full participation in College life which was wonderful. Many thanks to all who attended! 

Within days of these evenings, the tables were turned, and members of our College Leadership Team were the ones being welcomed by another vibrant Catholic community! On Sunday, February 9, Mr Black, Ms Smith, Mr Lokuge and I had the privilege of being able to join with St Agatha’s Parish as part of their parish’s Feast Day celebrations. Presided by Bishop Greg Bennet, mass was celebrated in the parish church before the festivities continued in the parish hall. There were performances by cultural groups from the parish, a play detailing the story of St Agatha’s life and plenty of food and fun, including the cutting of the Feast Day cake! My thanks to Fr Antony and all the St Agatha’s Parish community for making us so welcome. 

The connection between parish and school is a vital one, and we are so blessed to enrol many students who have come from our Catholic feeder schools, St Agatha’s, St Therese’s and St Thomas the Apostle. Members of those communities were among those represented at the Diocesan Assembly which was held on the 14th and 15th of February in Churchill. I attended as the St Peter’s College delegate and enjoyed two days of focused listening and discussion which left me tired (!) but also greatly buoyed by the optimism and vision for the Diocese of Sale over the next five years. I have written a special short report of the assembly which you’ll find later in this newsletter. Please contact me if you would like any further information about it. 

And we had our own special gatherings in the Cranbourne Campus Hall on Thursday, February 13 with the celebration of our Opening School Masses. Conditions were set to test us with high temperatures outside, and only slightly better inside! However, staff and students managed well and participated beautifully in these vital and special masses presided over by Fr Prabhu Antony (CRA) and Fr Denis O’Bryan (CLN). Again, our annual theme was front and centre, and the masses provided us with the formal opportunity to give thanks for all the blessings of our College, especially our students and all their potential. After communion, we formally launched our revised House Prayers and gifted each House with a new framed poster featuring their House patron and prayer. As the House Captains accepted their frame, we offered a “Blessing of the Houses” which will become a regular feature of our Opening Mass from now on. Enormous thanks to all those who contributed to this prayerful and joyful celebration marking the beginning of our new school year – all our readers, altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, Music Ministry classes, AV support, maintenance team and all staff and students for their respectful and positive participation. And a special thanks to our ever-supportive priests, Fr Prabhu and Fr Denis, and to Mr Lokuge, who prepared a lot of the materials for these masses. 

I also bring to your attention a special prayer intention for Pope Francis that has been featured in our daily SPACE bulletin:


Pope Francis has been experiencing ill health for some time and was admitted to hospital last Friday. Despite his failing health, he has continued to serve and lead the global Church with courage and only last week, urged world leaders again for fraternity and mercy for those who are vulnerable and powerless. Please keep Pope Francis in your prayers and in your thoughts - may he experience the best of care and be restored to full health. We give thanks for his inspiring and Christ-like leadership that calls for a world transformed, where respect for the dignity of all God's creation is at the forefront of everything we believe and do.   


I invite the wider readership of our College newsletter to join with us in keeping the Pope in our thoughts and prayers as he experiences poor health.

And finally, we remember with great love and respect, Sr Julie Ogbole SON who entered eternal life on Wednesday, February 19. Sr Julie was a great friend of the College and was a warm and welcoming presence especially when our Clyde North Campus celebrated their House Feast Day masses at the St Thomas the Apostle Parish Church. She was a treasured friend and mentor of her fellow Sisters of the Nativity, Sr Faustina and Sr Victoria and a wonderful support to Fr Denis and Fr Jithin and the parish community of St Thomas the Apostle. We are so grateful for all her good works in our local area and for her witness and example of faith. We send our sincere condolences to her mother, and family and friends in Nigeria, and her Australian ‘family’ too. 

“Well done, good and faithful servant! Come and share your Master’s happiness.” 

Mt 25:23

Grant eternal rest unto Sr Julie’s soul, O Lord, and may she rest in peace.




Ms Fiona McKenna

Deputy Principal – Catholic Identity & Mission