From our Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,
It amazes me how quickly we move from welcoming students and staff back on the first days to moving into the swing of daily practice, whole school events and level-based activities. This is exactly where we see ourselves in week three of term one. Year 7s are settling into their secondary schooling environment and for the year sevens on the Cranbourne campus the all important camp, held last week, was an ideal setting to cement relationships already forged as well as establish new friends. The year seven camp is considered a critical component of a successful transition and to that end we are already witnessing more sure and confident students in their learning environments and as the move around the college subsequent to the camp.
Each year I visit year seven religious education class and it is a privilege to do so. In these sessions we cover a whole range of topics including; what makes St Peter’s College a Catholic school, what does it mean to be educated in Catholic school, who is Peter as well as delving into the history of St Peter’s College. My challenge to the students at the end of each of these sessions is to ask what legacy they intend to leave after six years at St Peter’s College. Interestingly in my last engagement with our year twelves at the conclusion of their time with us I ask a similar question, this time it’s: “What is the legacy you leave behind”. All students at St Peter’s College are called upon to maximise their true potential and to be active members in contributing positively to the building of community. I wonder what our class of 2030 will reflect on when asked at the end of their final year what legacy they are going to leave behind.
Who are we called to be as a Catholic school
The National Catholic Education Commission produced a document in 2024 titled: “Life to the full: The mission and purpose of Catholic schools in Australia. Endorsed by the Bishops council this seminal document articulates the Vision of a Catholic school. Below is an excerpt which clearly outlines this mission:
As part of this mission and in partnership with families and parishes, the Catholic school responds by encouraging the flourishing of each student, endeavouring to awaken, nourish and develop the faith life of each child and young person. In doing so: “Catholic education unites the mission of the Church with service to the total development of the human person ‘it is about human flourishing in a deeply Christian understanding – whatever makes a student more wise, more loving, more fully human is making the student reflect more fully the image of God’.”
Catholic schools endeavour to provide an excellent academic curriculum within a Christ-centred, student focused education. Their goal is to educate the whole person – mind, body and spirit. Catholic schools are more than educational institutions which provide a secular curriculum with religion added on. Catholic schools offer an integral education which “liberates, empowers and motivates students to use their individual gifts with confidence, creativity and generosity in loving and responsible service.”
Our own mission statement at St Peter’s College aligns strongly with the above. Our mission states:
St Peter’s College, a Catholic secondary school, inspired by our patron St Peter encourages young people to aspire to meet their true potential in all that they undertake and in doing so make a difference to others they meet in life’s journey. This is guided by a belief that we are life-long learners and is inspired by Jesus’ words to Peter, ‘Be Not Afraid’.
We look forward to watching our year sevens strive to reach their full potential in our faith filled environment.
High Achievers Assembly
Speaking of reaching your full potential. It was a privilege to share with family, friends and the whole of community in the celebration of our high achievers in the class of 2024. Students with study scores of 40 or above, ATAR scores of 90 and above, the Dux of each subject and the Dux of the College were all presented and congratulated for their outstanding achievements. Our Dux of the college Ravidhu Wijerathna spoke passionately to the student body about the need to make changes. His statement that if you are not happy with your grades and you keep doing the same thing you’re just going to get the same results struck much resonance with students as did Ravi’s strong advice about completing as many practice questions and exams as you can. His advice carried great weight when you consider what he achieved. His results are presented below:
ATAR – 96.6
Business Management – 42
Mathematical Methods – 39
Chemistry – 38
Physics – 38
English – 35
Specialist Maths – 35
Ravi will commence his studies shortly at Monash University studying a Masters in Engineering. We take this opportunity once again to congratulate Ravi.
Sad News
I wish to inform the school community of the very sad news this week of the passing of Sr Julie Ogbole SON. Sr Julie has provided significant ministry to the St Thomas the Apostle parish over the past two years. She died peacefully on Wednesday 19th February after a short battle with cancer. Bishop Greg Bennet offered this message: I write to convey the sad news of the death of Sr Julie Ogbole SON who died peacefully in the early hours of this morning at Monash Hospital. Sisters Faustina, Victoria, Grace, were keeping prayerful vigil with their beloved sister. Sr Julie returned to hospital on Sunday and her health deteriorated very quickly. Her suffering is over and she is at peace.
Please pray for Sr Julie that she may now enjoy the eternal love of God in whom she had placed her trust. The Sisters of the Nativity have given us powerful witness, together with the parish team and community of St Thomas the Apostle, Clyde North and St Agatha’s, Cranbourne.
We also remember Sr Julie’s mother and family in Nigeria for whom Sr Julie’s death is a terrible shock.
We recall also the Sisters of Nativity in Nigeria and other communities who have lost such a devoted sister in Christ.
May dear Sr Julie, rest in peace and rise in glory!
+Greg Bennet
Please keep the parish of St Thomas the Apostle and the Sisters of Nativity in your prayers.
Enjoy the week ahead and stay safe.
Mr Chris Black