Principal Message

Dear Families:


OGPS Day: This Friday is OGPS Day! It is a time to reflect and celebrate all the great things about our school from the students to teachers and families, our education programs, facilities and so much more. We encourage the students to wear an extra touch of school blue e.g. hair tie, ribbon, wristband, shoes, socks – be creative!


School Council: A big thanks to Josh McDonald, Lachlan Ralton and Duncan McNab for nominating for School Council this year. We appreciate you giving some of your time to help Kristy and I and other councillors, continue to build a strong school and community. Our first meeting is March 18th and all other dates will be in the newsletter. Any other families wishing to be involved in the school are welcome to join a subcommittee (Finance & Fundraising, Inclusion, Sustainability, Facilities, etc) where usually a School Council member chairs the meeting and reports back to Council with progress reports. Don’t be afraid to reach out! 


Student Free Days: Usually around Curriculum Days I have a few conversations with families or hear there are conversations ‘out in the community’ as to the purpose of them and why and when etc… 


The Education Department’s policy ( states “Each year school councils may schedule up to 5 student-free days (when student instruction does not occur) for professional development, school planning and administration, curriculum development and student assessment and reporting.

School councils may only schedule the student-free days subject to the following requirements:

  • The first day of Term 1 each year must be a student-free day in all government schools to allow for appropriate planning to take place for the arrival of students
  • One student-free day is to be nominated for assessment and reporting
  • School councils have the flexibility to schedule 2 additional student-free days based on local school needs
  • If the principal determines to hold a common professional practice day (PPD) for teachers at the school, school councils will also schedule an additional, fifth student-free day, for use as a common PPD.”

As part of our planning, we attempt to hold these pupil free days adjacent to a weekend, but it may be dependent on the presenter we are trying to access, or the availabilities of another school we may visit etc. At the end of the day, we are trying to improve our staff knowledge to add value to the work they currently do with your children and we will attempt to have onsite care available from Camp Australia on these days too. Keep an eye on the school calendar in the newsletter for dates as we firm them up.


Apple Fair: Please lock in Sunday March 16th to attend the Apple Fair at school. Adele Smith and her amazing team are doing a power of work in the background and will be asking for a few things from here on in. If you have time to help in set up, pack up, on the day, or even in the next few weeks, I am sure Adele would greatly appreciate the help. This is our MAJOR fundraiser with all money raised going directly back into the school. Invite your family and friends along too! For more information, please see the Apple Fair Page further in the newsletter.


School Photos: Time to get the hair styles ready for Monday 3rd March as we have school photos! More information will be in the newsletter. Please be in FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM – no house-coloured shirts etc.


Have a great week everyone.


Scott McCumber 
