Assistant Principal - Curriculum

Brendan Garvey

Meet the Teacher Conferences


Meet the Teacher Conferences for 2025 (Levels 1 - 6) will be held at school (in your child's classroom) on Wednesday 19th of February and Thursday 20th February. Conferences will run from 3:30pm-5:00pm on Wednesday and 3:30pm -7:30pm on Thursday. Please note that conferences for Class 519 have been postponed until later this term. 


These conferences will give parents the opportunity to discuss how their child has settled into their 2025 classroom and to provide the teacher with any further information about their child. As per school policy, students achieving either 12 months below or 18 months above of the expected standard will receive an Individual Education Plan (IEP). These plans will be presented to families at the conferences.


Bookings can now be made via Compass. Please make sure you complete your booking before Tuesday the 18th of February at 9:30am.




Preparations for NAPLAN 2025 are in full swing. Students in Years 3 & 5 will be conducting practice tests over the coming weeks to become familiar with the online platform and testing methods. 


NAPLAN Online will be conducted on the following dates at Park Ridge Primary School for Year 3 and Year 5 students-


Wednesday March 12th 9:00 am - Year 3 and Year 5 Writing

Thursday March 13th 9:00 am - Year 3 Reading

Thursday March 13th 10:00 am - Year 5 Reading

Monday March 17th 9:00 am - Year 3 Conventions of Language

Monday March 17th 10:00 am - Year 5 Conventions of Language

Tuesday March 18th 9:00 am - Year 3 Numeracy

Tuesday March 18th 10:00 am - Year 5 Numeracy


There will also be opportunities for catch up sessions for students who are absent on the scheduled test days. Please note that although we will endeavour to provide catch up sessions, it may not be possible for a student to complete all of the assessments if they are away on multiple days during the testing window.


Students will also be given opportunities to familiarise themselves with the format of NAPLAN Online through a range of practice test experiences prior to the testing period. This will include formal practice tests, using the public demonstration website ( and the use of the Excel Test Zone platform.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding NAPLAN please don't hesitate to contact your child's classroom teacher or myself.