Music & Performing Arts

Hello there!


We have an action-packed Term 1 planned for 2025 in the Music Room and can’t wait to get the students all settled in and engaged with their learning.


Our Year 5 and 6 students will be developing their knowledge and skills on the acoustic guitar. They will be working their way through ‘Guitar Method - Book 1’, learning to play simple 2 and 3 note melodies. Similarly, our Year 3 and 4 students will be learning to play the ukulele, using ‘Ukulele Method - Book 1’ to play basic 2 and 3 note melodies. The Year 1 and 2 students will be learning about the piano keyboard and developing a solid basis of music knowledge and theory using ‘Piano Method – Book 1’. The great thing about having access to the Guitar, Ukulele and Piano Method Books is that once students gain an understanding of how to use the books, they can begin working through them at their own pace in their allocated rehearsal time. The Foundation students will be exploring several musical concepts through singing and using a variety of percussion instruments.


The Senior Choir and Junior Choirs will be starting up in the first few weeks (with the Junior Choir starting a bit later in the term) and we’re looking forward them performing at assemblies throughout the year. 


In other news, it’s rather exciting to announce that we will again be running a whole school concert production at the Rowville PAC in Week 8 of Term 3. The performance dates are Monday 8th September and Tuesday 9th September. Our concert preparations will begin late in Term 2. Stay tuned for more concert updates and details throughout the year.




Graeme Stewart