Principal's Message

School Philosophy

Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth, and well-being for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.

From the Principal

Welcome back to 2025!


We are now all officially back at school, with our Foundation 2025 students having their first half day at school yesterday. The children have all returned with enthusiasm and refreshed and eager to head into their new year levels.


I would like to welcome the following staff to our school. Kiralee Molnar and Bronwyn Chamberlain join us in Year 5, James Dean joins us in Year 3 and Amy Westmoreland joins us in Year 1. Chloe Liu is also joining our Education Support team working in the office and classrooms.


The teams are busy planning Term 1 and will have had/will have a planning day to do this. Specialist teachers will be in classrooms during this time. We are currently completing our IN@OGPS program which helps us set up routines, expectations and classroom/school systems with clarity and student input. Our assembly will be part of this and a completion of the program this afternoon. Assemblies with Principal Awards and parents attending will commence next week.


Parent information sessions will be coming up in the next few weeks, this year we have made some changes and will run only 4, one for Foundation, Years 1 and 2, Years 3-6 and one for EAL parents. We have streamlined the information so that it can be delivered in such a way, with interpreters at all sessions. Year levels that have Interschool Sports and camps will have individual level meetings related to these events about a month before, so the information is timely and fine tuned. All of these meetings will be held online, with links shared via Compass. I do encourage all families to attend one of the sessions as the information is important to know.


It has been amazing to see everyone working hard to be in uniform at the start of the year! Thank  you to everyone on making sure we have the right footwear, socks and hair tied back if it is over shoulder length long, and small stud earrings only when we come to school each day. We also request that there is no additional jewellery or makeup worn. We will continue to monitor and teachers will communicate with families if needed to ensure we continue to see these expectations met.


Finally, I would also like to highlight our community responsibility in working together to keep our children safe on the way to and from school. We appreciate that the traffic in the car park and on local roads can become tricky and very congested at drop off and pick up times but driving at the required speeds and obeying parking signage will keep everyone safe. 


I look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming school events - starting with assembly next week!


Michelle Ogilvie
