P & F News

Welcome to the 2025 school year. The P&F committee hopes that you and your families had a relaxing school break. An extra warm welcome to our new Foundation families – we hope that your children settle into the school and the community comfortably.
The P&F Committee are more than happy to assist you with any questions or concerns that you may have relating to P&F events and activities, so please do not hesitate to contact us. Furthermore, we strongly encourage new parents to join our P&F committee, it is a wonderful way to strengthen positive relationships within your school community and offers you a welcoming support network. Volunteer time is strictly a ‘help where you can’ basis, with no strings attached.
As usual, the P&F team have many events planned for this year - of course, our usual annual events as well as family nights, community events and other activities. We look forward to sharing these experiences with you.
Please read our article weekly, as this is where we communicate our main information, however you will also receive Audiri notifications, where required. Wishing you all a happy and safe 2025 school year!
Upcoming Events
Icy Pole Friday – every Friday for only $1 each
P&F Meeting – Tuesday 11th February, 7pm (St. Fidelis' Staffroom)
Bunnings BBQ - Sunday February 16
2nd Hand Uniform Stall – Friday Feb 21
St. Fidelis Community Fete Day – Sunday 23rd March, 12pm – 4pm
Bunnings BBQ volunteers needed
On Sunday, 16th February 2025, St. Fidelis was lucky enough to secure a Bunnings BBQ to help raise funds for our school, and we would love your help! Please use the link below and sign up for a time that suits you. Thanks in advance for your support. https://signup.com/go/qcFPEPo
Second-Hand Uniform Stall
Our first Second-Hand Uniform Stall for this year, will be held on Friday 21st February at 3pm. In preparation for this, we will be sorting donations next week and we ask for any donations to be sent to the office by next Thursday 13th February.
Please ensure that donated uniforms are:
- clean
- in acceptable condition - no fading, missing logos, holes or too stained
- must have a school logo or be purchased from uniform stall, so no Kmart/Target/etc purchases
St. Fidelis' Community Fete Day
Save the date – on Sunday 23rd March from 11:30am – 4pm, we are hosting a Community Open Day. Like the event we ran in 2024, there will be food/drinks, market stalls, children’s activities, school tours and much more. Closer to the day we may ask for some parent assistance to run specific activities, such as the BBQ, so please pencil this date into your planners.
Our 2024 likewise event was very successful. It provided the school with an ample injection of funds, but most importantly it brought our school community, along with our extended community together, with so much fun and positivity.
The P&F committee are looking forward to hosting this event, please reach out if you would like to assist, if you have a stall you would like to run or if you are able to source donations for our raffle. Many thanks!
THANK-YOU for taking the time to stay updated with the P & F NEWS!
Please, if you have any ideas to help with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, can provide goods/services for use in fundraising events or if you would like to join our team, please contact:
REBECCA KOUTIVAS – 0430 344 194 bterra86@gmail.com
Our next meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday 11th February at 7pm in the school staffroom. You are welcome to join us.