Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.

The concept of "Jubilee" has its origins in the Book of Leviticus (chapter 25) as a special year of reconciliation, pilgrimage, and coming home. Pope Francis has designated the 2025 Holy Year as a time to renew ourselves as "Pilgrims of Hope."

   Celebrating Mass:                    

On Friday as a Catholic school community, we gathered to celebrate the beginning of the school year mass for 2025. As we begin this year of Jubilee, we were given the opportunity to reflect and give thanks.  As a learning community, we are encouraged to embrace every learning opportunity throughout the year, just like Jesus did. We thank Father Tien for celebrating and sharing this special time with us.      

Class Mass:   

Throughout the term, each learning space will have the opportunity to attend mass on  Tuesday at 9.15am.  All parents and carers are encouraged to attend these special celebrations, beginning with 3/4BP and 1/2VS on Tuesday 18th of February.    

Buddy Mass:

Our Year 6/Foundation Buddy Mass will take place on Sunday 2nd of March at 11.00am at St Fidelis' Church. This is a great opportunity for our new and existing Foundation families to come together and celebrate the beginning of your children's faith learning journey.  It is also a great opportunity for our Foundation parents to meet your child’s Year 6 buddy.        


Our Year 3 students will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This Sacrament is also known as the Sacrament of Confession instituted by Jesus in his love and mercy, to offer forgiveness for the times we have made poor choices and turned away from Jesus.  The Year 3 parents and carers will engage in an online workshop on Thursday 6th of March at 7.00pm.  This event will be facilitated by Maria Forde.  


Reconciliation Retreat Day:

In celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation, all Year 3 students will have the opportunity to participate in a retreat day on Monday the 17th of March at St Fidelis' school.  The day will be facilitated by Annette Gasbarro.


Reconciliation Celebration:

The Reconciliation Celebration will take place on Thursday 20th of March at 6.00pm at St Fidelis' Church. 


God bless and have a great week.

Annette Gasbarro

Religious Education Leader