
Our students enjoy making origami with our Japanese visitors in the library at lunchtime

As a Department of Education school, BBPS use a multi-tiered system of support to meet the varied needs of our students.  Sometimes, students require some additional support based on their specific needs, diagnosis or vulnerabilities. 


Tier 2 interventions are generally provided to small groups in addition to the high-quality instruction received by all students within the classroom. 


Some of the ways we provide this level of support for our students includes:

  • Documented Individual Education Plans or Behaviour Support Plans

  • Termly Student Support Group Meetings – class teachers should have been in touch by now to hold a meeting re your child’s termly goals, for those students with an IEP.

  • Social skills intervention – our wonderful Education Support Staff facilitate a range of programs, including 

    P-2 Games Club; Interest-based Play

    3-4 Social Stencil; Lego Therapy

    5-6 We Thinkers program

  • We further offer Art Therapy with the lovely Gilly – art therapy explores emotional literacy through the creation of art. 

  • Fine Motor small group intervention (Grade 1-2)

Your child may participate in any of the above sessions from time to time as an opportunity for exposure and positive collaboration. If your child is involved on a more regular basis, your class teacher will let you know.


Additionally, we offer academic intervention in the forms of:

  • Literacy Intervention w Averil Gramaconi Grade 1-2 – individual and small group

  • Leading Literacy Intervention (LLI) for reading in Grade 3-4 – facilitated by an Education Support Staff member.

  • Maths Mentals numeracy intervention in Grade 3-4 – facilitated by both class teachers and/or Education Support Staff.

  • Small group phonics and place value intervention in Grade 5-6 – facilitated by class teachers and/or Education Support Staff. 

Allied Health

We welcome the opportunity for private allied health to facilitate individual student sessions onsite at school. The relationship established between specialists and class teachers can be invaluable to ensuring we are meeting each child’s needs within the classroom learning space. 


The Department outlines a number of requirements as professional visitors to our school. 

If you would like your allied health team to run sessions using our school facilities, please connect them to Kim Ancrum to confirm availability and procedures.


At the end of last year we farewelled our OnPsych counsellor, Renate Hoffman, after working with many of our families over several years. We thank her for the support she provided.  Sadly, at this stage, there are no available practitioners to replace her. If you are considering accessing psychologist / counselling services, either speak to your GP for recommendations – or Kim / your class teacher – we have a number of recommended services we can give you. 

To receive the service subsidy you just need to get a Mental Health Plan for your child from the GP which allows you to claim up to 10 sessions in a calendar year. 


We additionally have a number of private Speech Therapists, Occupation Therapists and Physiotherapists who regularly run sessions on school grounds – reach out if you’d further like to know more.