Message from Bev and Kim
Elena, Tilly, Zoe and Harriet
Message from Bev and Kim
Elena, Tilly, Zoe and Harriet
This week at BBPS we have enjoyed welcoming our Japanese university students as visitors. As the non-host school this year, students have come to school each day this week and spent time in our classrooms observing our teachers in practice and facilitating some fantastic activities to further develop our students' connections to Japanese culture. Yōkoso, soshite arigatō. Next year, we again have the opportunity to host a new cohort of students within our homes, a fantastic opportunity for all. See BBPS Life for further student reflections about this learning experience.
Several important community events coming up:
Welcome BBQ on Friday 14th March 4-7pm.
2025 brings the focus back to our Kitchen Garden thanks to the passion and vision of Marnie Wilson, Miss Wendy and the 3/4 hub along with Shane, our maintenance coordinator. Using the funds raised by the 2023 PA, we have plans for the installation of new beds and sustainable gardening practices.
We begin the process with a Working Bee on the 23rd of March 9:00am to 12:00pm and invite any families available to come along and help (even if it’s for a short time!).
If you are available, please sign up using the following SIGN UP FORM to help us plan accordingly for the day.
Please bring along any useful gardening tools, including protective wear such as gloves and closed shoes. No power tools required, shovels and rakes warmly welcomed.
Many thanks to those families who have already sent in donations for our Easter Raffle taking place in the final week of school. See the PA section of the newsletter for further details.
Well done to our District Swimming team who today competed at MSAC and were again Aggregate Shield recipients, an oustanding achievement. Thanks to Mr Ancrum as District Coordinator, who ran the event. We look forward to sharing results in our future newsletters.
We annually share a number of important policies with our school community to build a shared understanding of the roles and responsibilities we all hold as members of the BBPS Community. All school policies are available for access on our school website.
Click here to access the following -
Child Safety Policy: outlines our commitment to protecting children and young people from harm and abuse and details the 11 standards and how we implement them. Key members of our community – staff, school council and the Parent Association, undergo annual training in regards to reporting obligations, as set out by the Child Safe Standards.
Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy: details processes in place by the school to respond to any concerns raised about the safety of a child.
Code of Conduct: lists acceptable and expected behaviours of adults when working with the young people at BBPS.
Well done to all our students, who today practiced a Lockdown Emergency Drill. Each term students and staff practise an evacuation drill to ensure that we are clear of processes for safety. During a lockdown students and staff are to remain inside, under desks, with external doors locked. In the case of a 'real' drill, parents would be notified via Compass in a timely manner by the school, once our safety procedures have been actioned. The safety of all those onsite of course is our priority in the first instance.
Thank you to you all for the ongoing support of our teachers and students, its amazing to think that we are already half way through Term One, a timely reminder to slow down, be present, and enjoy each small moment!