Around the School

Prep-2 Historical Museum

Our P-2 students had an exciting day visiting the Numurkah Historical Society on Thursday 20th February. With excitement in the air, we walked down the street eager to learn more about the past, present, and future of our community.

As part of their inquiry into how communities change over time, the students explored the museum and learned about Numurkah and Wunghnu’s 150-year history. Volunteers Jeff and Annette guided them through the exhibits, showing old tools, professions, and buildings, and explaining how these have evolved.

"I loved seeing the old tools and how they were used," said Summayah, a prep student. "It was like stepping back in time!"

Year 1 student Lily A was amazed by the town's history: "I didn’t know our town was 150 years old! It’s cool to think about how it’s changed and what it might look like in the future."

The visit ended with a special treat – the sound of the Pianola filling the lounge. The students were fascinated by the instrument and how music was made before electricity.

“It sounded so nice,” said Alison, a Year 2 student. “I can’t believe people used to play music like that!”

A big thank you to Jeff and Annette for making this such a memorable experience for our students, giving them a closer look at the history of their own community.



YR 3-6 Historical talks and walks

On the 25th of February Mr Blackley and Jan, representing the Numurkah and District Historical Society took the 3-6 classes one at a time on a walk down Melville Street and taught us about the history of our town. We discovered that the buildings of much of the town were once made of wood, (many of them burned down)  and that they have served different purposes over the years. One of the few original buildings left, The Telegraph Hotel was once one of nine hotels in Numurkah and has been there for 102 years.  We thought that altogether, this was a very interesting experience.


Elijah H and Jacob M, 56S