From the Principal's desk

Mid way through Term 1
I can't believe how quickly the term is going, although I have already noticed that it is getting dark earlier. All of our students have enjoyed the opportunity to hear about the history of Numurkah. Our Prep-2 students visited the Historical Museum, and our Year 3-6 students have had talks and town walks with members of the historical society.
School Tours for 2026 Foundation Students
We are excited to be offering school tours for our 2026 Foundations students. This is a fantastic opportunity for families to come into our school and visit while classes are running. Please promote these to anyone that you know who is looking for a school for 2026.
Call for nominations and election timeline:
We would encourage all parents to consider nominating for School Council. It is a great opportunity to learn about how the school operates, and how you can be part of decisions made for the benefit of all students across Numurkah Primary School.
In 2025 we have 5 parent vacancies on the NPS School Council. Nomination forms are available at the office for parents to collect and are due back by 4pm Friday the 14th March. There are two types of nomination forms:
- Self-nomination form
- Nomination by another parent
At the close of nominations, a list of nominations will be posted at the office and listed in the newsletter. If we have more nominations than positions an election will be called and the ballot will take place on Monday the 17th March. Please feel free to contact the office and speak to me if you have any questions about school council.
Parents and Friends:
We would like to engage as many families as possible and invite all members of the family to be a part of our Parents and Friends committee. We understand that some families can't make meetings during the school day, however, there are many ways you can be a part and support our school. If you would like to help our school please give the office a call to discuss ways you could help out.
Our Year 3 and 5 students will participate in the 2024 NAPLAN testing between March 13th and 25th. All tests will be online apart from the Year 3 Writing which will be paper based. Students will have time during class to participate in practice sessions and complete NAPLAN style questions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's classroom teacher. Please click on the link below for more information for parents and carers.
Things to look forward to this term
- The school will go through its review process, this occurs every four years and I look forward to setting new goals for us to work on as a community
- NAPLAN begins for our year 3 and 5 students on Tuesday the 12th March
- Years 4-6 students will participate in personal development sessions
- Curriculum day on the 31st March