Principal's Report
Issue No 2 - 12 February 2025
Term 1 - Week 3
Principal's Report
Issue No 2 - 12 February 2025
Term 1 - Week 3
Principal’s Report
Arrival, Departure and Child Safety
As parents and caregivers, it is our responsibility to minimise risks and ensure the safety of children during drop-off and pick-up times. We recognise that students are greatly influenced by observing the safe behaviours demonstrated by their older peers and adults regarding road safety. Please observe the no standing zones in Havelock Street and the ‘turn around’ park at the end of our street is not for parking.
Supervision of Students
The school grounds will open at 8:30 AM, and classes will commence at 9:00 AM. Music will play at 8:57 AM to signal the community to head to their classrooms. Students will be supervised in the yard starting at 8:30 AM. Please be aware that there will be no supervision prior to this time, and the gates will remain closed until then. If you require an earlier drop-off for your child(ren), the YMCA offers before-school care starting at 7:00 AM daily. Classrooms will be accessible at 8:50 AM, except in the event of inclement weather. Our first break will be from 11:05 AM to 11:35 AM, with the second break occurring from 1:45 PM to 2:15 PM. Dismissal will take place at 3:15 PM.
Parenting Orders - Could you please confirm whether we have the most current information?
If you possess any new or updated Court Parenting Orders, we kindly request that you provide a copy to the School Office. (
Medical Information
It is that time of year when all necessary documentation must be completed and submitted to the school. I kindly request that priority be given to parents who need to return medical action forms, anaphylaxis management forms, and asthma action plans at their earliest convenience. Medical updates can also be completed online via This will help us ensure a safe environment for our students. Thank you for your cooperation.
Learning Conversations - Meet and Greet Sessions
On February 11th, 12th, and 19th, parents and caregivers, along with their children, will have the opportunity to meet with the classroom teacher. During each 20-minute meeting, parents and caregivers are encouraged to share information that may not be already known to the teacher.
As these meetings occur early in the academic year, please note that the teacher will not have access to updated assessment data at this time.
To schedule an appointment with your child's teacher, please use the Parent Access Module (PAM). If you are unable to attend, kindly email your child's classroom teacher to discuss alternative arrangements. Booking options will be available on PAM.
Lunch orders
Lunch orders will commence Friday 14th February. Families place orders for their children from the menu each Thursday for Friday lunch via QKR.
Grade 6 Camp
Grade 6 Camp is a valuable experience that provides students with an opportunity to further their learning and social skills development in a non-school setting. The Canberra camp focuses on the Civics and Citizenship curriculum area incorporating an understanding of how we’re governed and our Australian identity. Students develop independence, social skills and deeper conceptual understandings through the direct experience of appropriate camps. Dates: Tuesday 11th March (arrive at school at 7:00 am for a 7:15 am departure) - Friday 14th March (approx. 5:30 pm).
School Uniform
It has been great to see all the students return to school taking pride in their uniform. I please ask for your continuous support, ensuring your child/children leave home each day wearing the correct uniform. Students have been informed of their sports and specialist's days where they are to wear their sports uniform on these days only. I also ask that the school black sports shorts are adhered to, with no brand names or stripes appearing on them. The sports shorts are available for purchase from the uniform shop
at a very reasonable price.
Correct school uniform is required, and the following rules should be observed:
(a) Complete school uniform should be worn on every normal school day, right shoes, socks, jumpers and hats.
(b) School tracksuit and sneakers are to be worn only on Phys Ed/Sports/Gym days.
(c) If full school uniform or tracksuit is not worn on the appropriate day, a written explanation should be given to your child's class teacher.
(d) Hair should be neatly tied back if it is shoulder length or below.
(e) Students remain under the sports shed veranda if they are not wearing a hat during terms 1&4.
(f) Jewellery, a wristwatch may be worn. A plain neck-chain may only be worn if it includes a small cross, crucifix or Christian medallion. Earrings, sleeper or studs. Nail Polish is not to be worn.
Please contact me at school if you have any questions or concerns regarding the school uniform. I do thank you in advance for assisting us with this.
God Bless
Kimberley McSweeney