Parent Involvement   

School Advisory Council Meeting 

The School Advisory Council is a vital component of the school's governance and offers parents the opportunity to contribute to this group. The first meeting of the School Advisory Council will take place on February 26th, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, in the school library. We invite new members to join us at this meeting. If you are interested in participating, please reach out via email at  


Our 2025 School Advisory Council Members are:  

Parish Priest: Fr Junray Rayna 

Principal: Kimberley McSweeney 

Parent Representatives: Adrian Powell (SAC Chair), Daniel Bahen, Gavin Hicks, Belinda Mertens, Alex Reid, Ben Todeschini 

Staff Representatives: Miggy Podosky, Carolyn Maher, Allira Holmes 

Parents and Friends 

The Parents and Friends (P&F) serves as a social and fundraising entity within St Kilian’s School. In addition to its mission of raising funds to support the school’s resources and facilities, the P&F provides parents with the opportunity to engage in the school community. The P&F aims to create a constructive platform for the exchange of ideas and discussions on pertinent issues, fostering collaboration between teachers and parents. We invite all members of the school community to consider participating in the P&F.

Parent Representatives 

St Kilian’s Parent Representative 

What is a Parent Representative? 

The Parent Representative (hereafter referred to as Parent Rep) serves as a vital communication link between the classroom teacher and parents. 


How it Works 

At the conclusion of each year, the school will ask for nominations from parents and caregivers for the position of Parent Representative for the upcoming year, with a specified submission deadline. The Principal or Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader will reach out to the nominees to discuss the nomination process and outline the expectations associated with the role. Each year level, from Prep to Grade 6, will be represented by at least one Parent Representative. If multiple nominations are received, the Executive Leadership Team will make a final selection. The appointed Parent Representatives will be officially announced in the School newsletter. 


Please note Parent reps will need  

School Leadership will review the Parent rep program on an ongoing basis. 


Role of the Parent Representative: 

  • Please review the teacher's Weekly Memo, school newsletter, and other relevant communications. 

  • Assist the teacher in sourcing volunteers for activities and excursions as needed. 

  • Support parents, especially new ones, by offering guidance on where to seek information or whom to contact when necessary. 

  • Encourage parental involvement in school activities throughout the year, regardless of the level of participation. 

  • Provide additional information regarding school events, such as Book Week and dress-up days. 

  • If possible, attend the welcome/morning tea on the first day of school to support new parents. 

  • Parent representatives should not act as mediators between parents (or groups of parents) and classroom teachers. All classroom-related concerns should be addressed directly to the classroom teacher, and if unresolved, subsequently to the Principal. 

  • Parent representatives will collaborate with the Principal to ensure that each class has a designated Parent Representative organised by December for the following year. 

  • Please be aware that this is not intended to duplicate messages from the school and classroom teachers. 

 Extra things you can do: 

  • Maintain regular informal discussions with the teacher to demonstrate ongoing support.  

  • Assist parents within the class or year in networking, which is especially vital for new families joining the school. With the consent of the parents in your class, a contact list may be shared to facilitate this process. It is the responsibility of the individual representative to gauge interest within their class group. 

  • Organise social activities such as coffee mornings, dinners, and playdates after school, on weekends, or during holidays.  

  • Optionally, collect contributions and coordinate a group gift to express appreciation to the classroom teacher at the end of the year. 

School Contacts for further information: 

Kimberley McSweeney: Principal 

Daisy Antonowicz: Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader 



The Parent Representative should consistently uphold the privacy of others. St Kilian’s School acknowledges and respects your privacy and is dedicated to safeguarding the confidentiality of all families. Family information will not be disclosed without prior consent from the respective family. Each family will be requested to complete the “Request for Parent Contact Details” form annually. 


Parent Reps will meet in term 1 and term 4 with Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader. 


Guidelines for Communications 


Parent Reps will be invited to join a ‘WhatsApp’ group for all St Kilian’s Parent Reps by the Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader.  The Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader will act as moderator to this group and provide suggested posts and guidance. 


Parent Reps are to make a Year Level ‘WhatsApp’ group for all parents/carers of the year level.  Each Parent Rep is to act as the moderator for their year level, noting Parent representatives should not act as mediators between parents (or groups of parents) and classroom teachers. All classroom-related concerns should be addressed directly to the classroom teacher, and if unresolved, subsequently to the Principal or Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader.