
Exciting Beginnings!

What an incredible start to the school year for our Prep students! Their energy, excitement and bright smiles have been contagious, and it's clear that they are settling in wonderfully.

From day one, these young learners have embraced their routines with confidence. It's so heartwarming to see them walk into the classroom each morning, eager and ready for a new adventure. 

Our Prep students are also making new friends and it’s been fantastic to watch their friendships grow. They're learning to share, collaborate and support one another. Every day, they’re getting braver—trying new things and stepping outside of their comfort zones.

A big thank you to all the families who have been there every step of the way, providing support, encouragement and love. Your role in helping your child adjust to school life has been invaluable. Thank you for partnering with us to make this transition feel safe, supported and full of possibility.

We’re so proud of how far our Prep students have come in such a short time, and we can’t wait to watch them continue to grow throughout the year. Here's to an amazing journey ahead at WPPS!


Learning, Creating and Connecting!

We have jumped straight into learning with enthusiasm, and it’s been a joy to watch our students working hard as they explored new ideas and developed important skills.

In the classroom, we’ve been diving into our literacy lessons, where our little learners have been listening to some wonderful mentor texts. Not only did they enjoy the stories, but they also produced some thoughtful responses and crafted their own creative ideas inspired by what they heard. 

Math time has been just as exciting! Our Prep students have been busy with hands-on learning, counting and matching numbers to different representations. 

In CBL, we’ve been focusing on the importance of making connections and including others. The students have been exploring how they can be kind and welcoming to everyone around them, by thinking about the small actions that can make a big difference in creating a supportive community. We’ve also loved exploring the Welcome Garden (behind the Prep rooms) and discovering all the tools we can use to make our play even more fun!

Hands-on maths exploration
Hands-on maths exploration
Playing in the Prep Welcome Garden
Playing in the Prep Welcome Garden
Playing in the Prep Welcome Garden
Hands-on maths exploration
Hands-on maths exploration
Playing in the Prep Welcome Garden
Playing in the Prep Welcome Garden
Playing in the Prep Welcome Garden