School Council News

A warm welcome to the our Wonga Park families!
Upcoming School Council Election - How to get involved?
At the start of each year, it is time to welcome some new members on to the council. This year there will be four positions available for a parent electorate representative requiring a two-year tenure, and two positions available for a community representative requiring a one-year tenure.
This is a brilliant opportunity for parents/carers to have a significant impact and insight into the decision-making and day-to-day running of the school. The Call for Nominations will be communicated on Wednesday, 5th March. Nomination forms will be available at the office and attached to the Sentral message. Nomination Forms will be due to the office within 7 days. Nominations will close at 4:00pm on Wednesday, 12th March. Please note, once the new council has been elected there will be further opportunities for parents/carers to join sub-committees which may be more suited to those wanting to take on a lesser commitment.
Our first School Council meeting will be held on Monday 24th March and we are looking forward to a great year ahead supporting our school.
The Purpose of School Council
The School Council of Wonga Park Primary School plays an important role in assisting with the efficient governance of the school. Being a member of the School Council is a rewarding experience. Acting as a team, council supports the Principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for all students.
School Council operates under a framework provided by the:
Education and Training Reform Act 2006
Public Administration Act 2004
Education and Training Regulations 2007
It is important that School Councillors understand the key features of the legislation because it affects all aspects of their work: how they interact with the community, consider options, make decisions and generally how they conduct themselves. This strengthens community confidence in the school and helps to protect and build the school’s reputation.
The Roles and Responsibilities of School Council
The role of School Council is outlined in the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. In essence, the role of School Council is to support the Principal in setting the long-term future for the school. The types of responsibilities for School Council include:
Participates in the development of the school strategic plan
Approves the strategic plan which is then signed by the president
Monitors the progress of school strategic plan against the goals
Approves the annual budget
Ensures appropriate internal controls are in place
Monitors school expenditure
Approves requests for voluntary contributions and school fees
Approves and monitors investments
Develops the broad direction and vision for the school using guidelines provided by DET
Develops, monitors, reviews and updates policies
Develops Student Engagement Policy and Student Dress Code
Consults with the school community before adopting changes to these policies
Approves employment of some staff (e.g. casual replacement teachers and support staff)
Enters contracts for building and grounds improvements
Promotes the school to the wider community
Works with school community to stimulate interest in the school
Makes a recommendation to the Secretary regarding Principal selection.
School Council does not:
Manage the day to day running of the school that includes all operational processes and procedures
Discuss individual issues relating to teachers, staff or parents
Represent specific interest groups or permit special interests to dominate the agenda of the council
Purchase land, buildings or motor cars, and it cannot enter into hire purchase agreements or obtain credit or loans, unless it is given permission by the Minister.
The Role of a School Councillor
The 8 parent members on School Council bring their experience as parents at the school and the views of the wider school community to School Council meetings.
The 4 DET employees bring their educational expertise to School Council meetings.
The 2 community members most often bring a particular skill or area of expertise.
As a council, we would like to take the opportunity to let our community know that we are here for any questions, concerns or queries you may have. We plan on making ourselves known to you and will always endeavour to represent the parent/carer cohort to the best of our abilities. Always feel free to come and say hi!
With warm regards,
Michelle Rose
School Council President on behalf of:
The WPPS School Council