Principal's Message 

Julie Crawford 

Welcome to Our First Newsletter for 2025!

We are excited to welcome you to the first newsletter of the year! It has been a very smooth start to 2025, and we have been so impressed with how our students have settled into their new classes. There is excitement and positivity in the air for the year ahead as students build connections with their peers and teachers. 


Congratulations- three babies in three weeks!

A warm congratulations to three of our much-loved teachers who have recently celebrated the birth of their precious little bundles.   Love and best wishes to Meryl and Nathan on the early arrival of beautiful little Atticus McQueen, congratulations to Carly, Ed and big sister Annabelle, on the arrival of gorgeous baby Lottie Hazel and best wishes to Lucy and Matt on the arrival of their precious little Harriet Lucy.  Such a special time for each little family. We're looking forward to meeting them all very soon!


Welcome to our 2025 Preps

We would like to extend a special congratulations to our new Prep students, who have had a wonderful start to their school journey. They have settled into school life so well, connecting with their teachers and friends, learning routines and showing great enthusiasm for learning new things! A big shout out to our wonderful Grade 6 students, who have done a great job helping their Prep buddies feel safe and happy.


Grade 6: Our Student Leaders

Our Grade 6 students have an important role this year as student leaders and role models for the rest of the school. This week they were over-the-moon to receive their Grade 6 jackets and t-shirts. They will wear these with pride for their final year of primary school.  In the coming weeks, our Grade 6 students will also take on the leadership of our Connections groups every alternate Monday. There are countless opportunities for them to shine as leaders in our school, and we have full confidence that they will do an amazing job throughout the year!


Building a Connected Community

The focus in every classroom during the first weeks of the school year is building a connected and respectful community of learners. By investing time to establish routines, create class agreements, and get to know each other on a deeper level, we are fostering a community that is orderly, respectful, inclusive, and connected. In an environment built on trust, kindness, and care, everyone is empowered to learn and thrive.

In Term 1, our first Big Idea in Challenge-Based Learning is ‘Connections,’ which aligns perfectly with our school-wide focus on fostering strong, supportive relationships among all students and staff. 

The School Wide Positive Behaviour Support program (SWPBS) that is being embedded across our school also focusses on creating a positive environment and strong relationships and connections through explicitly teaching the expectations - Be Kind, Be Safe, Be A Learner.  To find out more about this evidence-based whole school program, please refer to the SWPBS tab in the newsletter. 



Communication is important as we build strong partnerships with our families. Sentral is the platform that we use to communicate with our families.  Please contact the school for assistance if you are having any trouble receiving communications via Sentral. 

The Getting -To-Know-You Conversations were a great opportunity for parents to share information about their child with their classroom teacher and to begin building the home-school partnership. 

This week we invite parents to watch the recorded Parent Information Sessions by the Level 1/2, 3/4, 5/6 and Specialist Teams. These will provide parents with an overview of the wellbeing and curriculum focuses, class and school expectations, classroom routines and special events.  Many thanks to our Prep Team for the very informative face-to-face information session provided for our prep families this week.

The Wonga Weeklies, which are published each Monday, provide parents with details of the curriculum for the week as well as any special events or reminders. A special feature are prompts that parents might like to use to start conversations about what your child is currently learning. We really encourage families to read the Wonga Weeklies so that you can support your child’s learning.

Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to be a Parent Representative for their child’s class. Each year we seek two parent reps per class to liaise with the parents in the class, welcome new families and help organise parent helpers for events, fundraising etc.

Our Lines Of Communication document outlines the process for communicating with teachers and leaders in the school. Please see the Lines Of Communication tab in the newsletter for details. In the first instance we encourage parents to contact the classroom teacher if you have any concerns or questions about your child. Connections Time (8:50am – 9:00am) is an opportunity to let the teacher know that you would like to have a chat. As teachers are welcoming students and supporting them to set up for the day, it is difficult for them to engage in lengthy discussions with parents at this time, however will they will get back to you by phone or email to set up a mutually convenient time. Alternatively, please email or phone the school and Kerry or Lesley will forward your request to the classroom teacher or relevant staff member.


Extra-Curricular Activities 

It is exciting to offer many extra-curricular activities - our students are very fortunate to have so many options to explore!

  • Jogger’s Club operates before school on a Tuesday morning with students invited to begin their training for the cross country event next term. 
  • Before School Tennis operates on a Wednesday starting at 8:00am.  Please contact the office for details about how to join.
  • After-School Basketball has begun with teams from Grade 1 to 6.  Please contact Mr O’Dwyer if your child is interested in joining a team.
  • Our counsellor, Clare and Wellbeing teacher Mr Percy facilitate Lunchtime Clubs/Activities at some recess and lunchtimes. Many children enjoy the big jenga, connect 4, dominoes, lego, connetix, boardgames, chess, drawing, craft and more.
  • Our Student Leaders and Specialist Teachers will be running Art and ICT clubs and choir.
  • Watch out for information about the Expressions Programs on offer in Term 2

School Council Nominations – open today, Wednesday, March 5th

Nominations for the 2025 School Council will open today, Wednesday, March 5th. Nominations close at 4:00pm on Wednesday March 12th.  Please go to the School Council tab in the newsletter for more information about the role of school council and the nomination process. Please feel free to contact me if you would like further information.


School Priorities - 2025

The school’s Annual Implementation Plan outlines the 2025 learning priorities, targets and actions as the school works towards achieving the overall goals in the School Strategic Plan.  This year the priorities are to –

  • Maximise the learning opportunities and growth of every student, particularly in numeracy and literacy (with a focus on writing, spelling and punctuation and grammar)
  • improve student engagement by enabling greater learner agency and designing learning reflects their interests and what matters to them
  • Strengthen wellbeing by supporting students to become active, resilient and responsible citizens equipped to thrive in a contemporary world

The key improvement strategies to achieve these priorities will include:

  • further strengthen teacher capacity to use evidence to guide learning and teaching and measure impact using an inquiry cycle
  • strengthen student, teacher and parent understanding of learner agency and embed strong learning partnerships
  • continue to strengthen the school’s processes for supporting resilience, health and wellbeing 

A School Review will take place in Term 3 where future goals and targets will be determined and a new School Strategic Plan developed for the next four years.  In readiness for the School Review, teachers, students and parents will have the opportunity to contribute to the PRSE - Pre - Review School Evaluation process.  We look forward to reflecting on our journey over the past 4 years, celebrating the great things that we have achieved and formulating our future priorities, goals and targets.


Student Leadership Badge Assembly - March 20th

Congratulations to all of our 2025 student leaders.  We look forward to presenting their leadership badges at a special assembly on March 20th at 9:00am.  All welcome.


Upcoming Road Works - Jumping Creek Road

Major works to upgrade Jumping Creek Road are set to begin after Easter. There will be road closures and detours in place during the works that may impact how parents normally travel to and from school.  Manningham Council have already met with us to discuss ways of minimising disruption whilst maintaining safety and ongoing reviews will take place during the works. We will endeavour to communicate regularly with families to ensure you are kept up to date with any new information. Parents are invited to attend one of the information sessions being offered at Wonga Park Hall, Old Yarra Road, Wonga Park on Wednesday 19th March (4:00pm – 7:00pm) or Thursday 20th March (4:00pm – 7:00pm) where representatives will be available to answer any questions you have about these works.  Please find attached in the Upcoming Events tab for more information about the works and a map outlining the proposed road closures.


We look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming our annual Colour Run on Thursday 20th March.   Don't forget to register online, it is always such a fun community event!  Hoping to see you there!


Warm regards


Julie Crawford
