Student Leaders

Olivia, Fergus, Grace and Xavier

It has been an active and busy start to our 2025 school year at WPPS.


Prep and Grade 6 Buddies

We are proud to announce that the Prep buddies have settled into school life really well. They are learning new things every day and feel excited about school. The Grade 6 students have been thrilled to look after their little buddies and make sure that they become used to our school grounds, know how to follow rules that keep everyone safe and make strong connections with their classmates. The Preps have now gotten to a stage where they are feeling a lot more confident in playing without us.


Fun Playtime Activities

A couple of weeks ago, the school captains and the ambassadors set up some new, exciting games under the oak tree, that all students across the school are welcome to come and play. These games are great for hot days when you need to cool down, or for when you can’t think of anything to play. The activities include giant dominoes, giant Jenga blocks and two huge sets of Connect Four. We feel honoured to be able to run thes fun playtime activities.



Recently, we began hosting our whole school assembly. It has been a great opportunity for us to connect with the students, teachers and parents. Each fortnight we read out birthdays and the Year Level Ambassadors award Shining Star certificates to students who have done an excellent job in demonstrating our school values. It has been amazing to see so many parents come to support their kids. 

We would just like to put out a general reminder to all students, to make sure they attend with their best manners and show their full attention to everyone speaking.


Sports Gala Days

The Grade 5/6 students have been busy training each week for our Interschool Sports Gala Days. A couple of times a term, the Grade 5/6 students go to other schools to compete in a variety of sports. These include cricket, basketball, lacrosse, volleybounce, t-ball and Hot Shots. The schools we will be visiting are Great Ryrie PS, Yarra Valley Grammar, Good Shepherd, Croydon Hills and Kilsyth Basketball Stadium. This provides the opportunity for us to be active, learn about different sports, show good sportsmanshipand connect with other schools.


The year has been exciting so far, and we can’t wait to see what’s next!


From your School Captains,


Fergus, Grace, Olivia and Xavier