Grade 5 and 6

Welcome to Grade 5/6 for 2025! 

It has been a fantastic start to the year for our students. We keep building connections with our new teachers and classmates, and have been working hard in the first half of Term One! Thank you to those who made time to attend our 'Getting to Know You' Interviews, your insights are valued and appreciated.


Our CBL theme for Term One is 'Connections'. We have been diving into what it means to be a citizen in our community, how people connect to make change in our society and how those changes are introduced at different levels of government. Students have spent time learning about how our government functions, how it is formed and what other types of government are present across the world. 


In Grade 5, students have been preparing themselves for NAPLAN as they focus on learning how to identify key information for answering questions as well as how they can best apply their knowledge to be successful. 


Grade 6 students have been working through