Principal's Report

Rohan Cooper

Welcome to our newsletter for this fortnight as we settle-in to our school procedures and routines for 2025. All students have completed the new ‘start-up’ program, developing their class culture, procedures and routines, as well as setting the foundation for learning and wellbeing for the year. 


At the beginning of the year, our staff have worked towards building strong, positive and effective home-school partnerships. You will see both new and familiar processes across this year, as we strive to optimise how we support learning through both outstanding practice at school, as well as support at home. This term, you will see:

  • Term letters from each year level, summarising key learning and wellbeing information for this term. 
  • A consistent home learning program, including new additions of ‘Mathletics’ for students in Years 2 to 6, and additional online reading material from ‘Decodable Readers Australia’ for students in Years Prep to 2.
  • The continuation of ‘open afternoons’, showcasing outstanding student learning, for all year levels on a per-term basis. 
  • The continued use of Seesaw, showcasing student learning and wellbeing activities. 


There are many ways to contribute to our school, and we hope to see our families engage positively in the following to enhance our great school. 


Parents’ Association AGM – Monday 17th February @ 7:30pm 

Our Parents' Association (PA) runs events for students and families, enhancing the ‘school experience’ and raising critical funds for school improvement projects. The wonderful events that our school traditionally hosts (and possibly some new ones!) cannot run without the support of our families. This can be as simple as attending a regular meeting or collecting items for an event, and all the way through to being an office bearer on the team or an ‘event lead’. 

Contributing to the PA and their events is a great way to support the school, get to know other families and positively impact the learning and wellbeing of your children and our students. We hope to see as many of you as possible at this event next Monday. 


School Council – Elections for 2025 School Council Coming Soon!

School Councils are a critical function of all Victorian Government Schools and play a key role in supporting the school to provide the best possible learning and wellbeing environment for all students. Each year, nominations open in mid-late February, with terms on the Council being for two years. Being a member of School Council is a great way to positively contribute to the school; look out for further information on how to nominate in coming weeks. 

Voluntary Financial Parent Payment Contributions


We encourage all families to contribute towards improving the teaching and learning environment for your children through the payment of the Voluntary Financial Parent Payment Contributions. Working together with you, and as a community, our school can achieve far better outcomes for our students than if the school works alone. The Voluntary Financial Parent Payment Contributions are a key part of ensuring that our students have access to the resources that will assist in achieving those better outcomes and ensuring that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. 


If you have not given this your attention yet, please refer to the Compass Payments Centre to contribute online. 


Thanks for your ongoing support and keep doing your best.


Rohan Cooper
