Celebrating our Leaders

Congratulations to the CSPS Captains

School Captains - Harley I & Emily R

School Vice Captains - Mieke O & Sam B


Cowen Bunjils House Captains - Toby O & Freddie P

Cowen Bunjils Vice Captains - Georgia T & Sophie L


Goodes Guyeems House Captains - Arabella F & Patrick H

Goodes Guyeems House Vice-Captains - Remi G & Luca L


Mauboy Weereenys House Captains - Leni S & Julian T

Mauboy Weereenys House Vice-Captains - Milla C & Florence C


Irwin Durraks House Captains - Bailey S & Jack N

Irwin Durraks House Vice-Captains - Rafi K & Amelia H


Congratulations to our Leaders

Art Leaders - Mackenzie B, Amelia B, Shelly Y & Anisha M

Junior School Leaders - Cara K, Leo M Oscar F

Peacemakers Leaders - Eloise W, Jaime U

STEM Leaders - Hugo G, Jack C & Janice J

LOTE Leaders - Sophie C, Danielle W & Taela H

Performing Art Leaders - Gabriella P, Daisy H, Rachel L & Asher R

Congratulations to CSPS Term 1 Leaders

Shelly, Oscar, Samuel, Amelia B, Makenzie, Sophie C, Hugo, Daisy, Amelia H, Cara, Joss, Bailey, Eloise, Asher R