Grade 3/4 News
Week 4, Term 1
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Grade 3/4 News
Week 4, Term 1
Welcome to the Grade 3/4 page!
Athletics Day- Monday 24th Mar
We have had a wonderful start to the year. Our students have been awesome in displaying our school values and wonderful focus during learning times. A reminder that you can contact us if you have any queries, questions, concerns or most importantly... positive feedback!
Our team (and their emails) are as follows;
Brooke Ingram:
Netbooks have come home this week! Please ensure they are charged each night, as we need to ensure the battery lasts the whole day. If you forget to charge them this term, (getting into the habit can take time to remember), please send your child with their charger to school, so that we can continue using them.
This week, we began our Fluid Mathematics rotations! Our focus for this round of fluid rotations is on using and understanding Place Value. Each group will focus on a different range of strategies to strengthen student understanding of using place value across a range of problem-solving opportunities.
Our Applied Mathematics lessons have focused on building our understanding of measuring length using both informal (paperclips, blocks, handprints) and formal units (rulers, tape measures, centimetres, metres) of measure.
We have begun reading our class novel 'Paper Planes', which we love already. During Reading discussions, we have learned about character and setting descriptions. We have then explored these concepts in our writing by brainstorming ideas and trying to use description and character traits to begin bringing our ideas to life!
Our focus sounds in Soundwaves this fortnight are the short sound 'a' as in apple and 'k' as in kite.
We have begun our Science rotations this week! Each of our teachers are teaching a different area of Science. Your children will experience each unit in a 5-week rotation throughout this year.
Here are the areas for Science they will be investigating:
Mr Daenke: Chemical Sciences
Mr Lidgett: Science as a human endeavour (experiments)
Mrs Schulz: Earth Sciences
Miss Mitchell: Biological Sciences
Miss Ingram: Physical Sciences
This term, we are continuing to build on self-awareness, through several mini-units. Some concepts we have investigated are:
From the Grade 3/4 Team