Grade 1/2 News
Term 1, Week 4
Grade 1/2 News
Term 1, Week 4
Toileting during class time: We have a number of students opting to take regular toileting breaks. We understand younger students often need to go more regularly but we also want to minimise the disruption this can cause to learning when the breaks are frequently requested and may not be necessary.
If your child has a legitimate reason for needing to go more regularly can you please communicate this with your child's teacher, so that we can manage this appropriately.
People Who Help Us in our Community... - Volunteers Wanted!!
For our topic lessons on Monday 3rd March (at 2.15pm) we are searching for some volunteer guest speakers!
We are hoping we may have some families who are nurses, doctors, dentists, Paramedics, Veterinarians, Police, SES or Fire officers who are willing to come into our grade 1/2 classes and discuss how they help our community, which could include a rundown of some of the things they do in their role.
We are thinking 4 - 5 volunteers who might speak to a couple of classes each, for 15mins or so. If you are willing to join us please email Mrs Brewer -
Last week when reading the book 'Up and Down', we heard about a boy and a penguin and their friendship. On Friday we responded to the story by creating our own friendly penguin.
Our students had a wonderful time at the Start Up performance today. They have shown excellent persistence and determination in learning and practising their dance moves over the past couple of weeks. Thank you to the many families who came to watch!
This week during Topic our students have been focusing on belonging to our community and during Literacy exploring our local bush land, including reading the book 'A Walk in the Bush' and writing about their own walk in the bush. On Monday each child created their own Acknowledgement of Country by thinking about and drawing something they enjoy doing on Dja Dja Wurrung country.
Week 5 and 6
Reading, Writing and Spelling:
Our focus texts for the next fortnight are:
Students will practise using the reading strategies predicting, making connections and also tuning into interesting vocabulary, whilst being read these books.
Our Writing lessons will continue to have a focus on recounts, but we will also introduce the idea of writing a story. We will explore the idea of stories having characters, settings and a beginning, middle and end. This is something that could also be discussed and identified at home when reading picture story books.
Phonemes for term 1 will include:
Week 5 – ai, ay, a_e 💗 – say, play, day |
Week 6 – ee, ea, e_e 💗 – seen, tree, week, please |
Week 7 – ie, y, igh 💗 – might, light, night |
Week 8 – oa, o_e, ow, o 💗 – know, show, snow |
Weeks 9 & 10: Revise based on student need
Mathematics: Students will be exploring the concept of time duration during Mathematics, in week 5. Following this our focus will return to Place Value and working with partitioning one and two-digit numbers.
Topic: In week 5 the focus will be our local Spring Gully community and the wider Bendigo community, identifying local iconic buildings and places. In week 6 our focus will turn to People Who Help Us in our Community.
Respectful Relationships: During Respectful Relationships lessons students will focus on brainstorming and discussing stress management - coping strategies.