Camp Australia News
A message from the Spring Gully Primary School OSHC Service Leader- Michelle
Camp Australia News
A message from the Spring Gully Primary School OSHC Service Leader- Michelle
Dear Families,
This week we are celebrating Kindness week- So far, we have painted kindness rocks, Kindness poster and made Kites with a Kind messages on them.
A friendly reminder that children are required to apply sunscreen 20 minutes before outdoor play, children are welcome to leave a spare hat at OSHC (name written on it please) and children can bring their own sunscreen if they have sensitive skin.
Josh & myself have settled in well & we are still getting to know your child/children.
We are asking for any jars, newspapers, or plastic lids that can be donated please.
Have a wonderful week ahead.
If any families are wanting more information about booking a place at Your OSHC or up-coming Rocketeers please feel welcome to drop in to the Manya building, or call 0451 371 169. Alternatively, you can also visit: