Grade 5/6 News
Term 1, Week 4 2025
Welcome to the Grade 5/6 News Page
Grade 5/6 News
Term 1, Week 4 2025
Welcome to the Grade 5/6 News Page
There is always a lot going on in Grade 5/6. We will do our best to communicate through our Newsletter and Compass. Please keep an eye on these two spaces for upcoming events and permissions. If at any stage you need to contact one of our team, our emails are below;
Corey Greer -
Kelly Byron -
Emma Clohesy -
Siobhan Garmey -
Luke Staley -
Luke Crawford -
Thank-you to everyone for supporting our Grade 5/6 causal dress day fundraiser last week. We raised enough money to get our Gugu Reward Canteen started.
Our Monday afternoon Team Sport sessions started this week. This is additional physical activity to our regular P.E. program and a great chance to learn skills and have some fun together. Throughout the year Mr Smith will also use these time to train our various sports teams.
As we get close to completing our start of year testing and settle into our new routines, we have begun to explore a few new subject areas. This week we have had our first Science classes, our Fluid Group Maths sessions, and we have been exploring Australia's System of Government through our Topic and Literacy sessions.
We have also been busy rehearsing dances for this Thursday's Start Up Performance. The Grade 5's will be performing with their Prep buddies, while the Grade 6's have prepared their own show stopper for the event! All parents and carers are welcome to attend. See further details in our previous Compass post.
This year students will be using Google Classroom and other software as part of the Education Departments Google GSuite. Below is some information for parents about safe and responsible usage of these products.